Canadian Federal Government

Environment Canada: The State of Canada's Environment Infobase.
Detailed information on various aspects of Canadian Environment broken down by region. Includes on-line student activities and teacher resources.
Environment Canada: The Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation
The Canada Country Study provides a critical perspective for charting Canada's future. It is an important piece of knowledge on what we know today about climate change. However, a lot of work remains to be done. I commend the many individuals who have contributed to this study. The Canada Country Study consists of six regional reports, released this summer and fall, and two national summary reports. A final report on sectoral issues and matters that cut across these boundaries will be released in the spring of1998. Internationally, the Canada Country Study contributed to the preparation of a North American chapter in the Special Report on the regional impact of climate change of the UN-led Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The study will also form part of Canada's contribution to the third IPCC assessment report on the global impact of climate change, to be released in 2001.
Environment Canada: The Greenlane
Environment Canada's Greenlane. Designed for the general publice this page provides background information on climate change, El Nino and other climate issues from a Canadian perspective.
Geological Survey of Canada, Terrain Sciences Division Climate Change
Background information on climate change including Canadian research into impact of climate change at high latitude. Research of several research groups high-lighted.
Geological Survey of Canada - Regional Geophysics Section: Terrestrial Impact Structures
Meteorites and comet impacts are now known to have a profound and catostrophic effect on the Earth's climate. This site presents detailed information on impact phenomenon including photographs of all known craters. The Geological Survey of Canada cancelled this research program in the fall of 1997. Better view the material while you can.
Government of Canada Global Climate Change site.
Read about the Chretien Aministration's initiative on global climate change. Main strengths of site are links to climate change information at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Industry Canada, and Natural Resources Canada.