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Figure 16. Two views of a rainbow. It is not possible to see the world as another animal sees it since any attempted depiction would necessarily be viewed through the sensory system of the human perceiver. However, it is possible to depict some of the features which might appear different to non-human animals than they do to us. The left half of this figure is intended to look somewhat like a "normal" rainbow. To the right is the other half of the rainbow modified such as to capture some of the features that a dinosaur might have seen. In particular, note that dinosaurs probably saw shorter wavelengths (the extension beyond the violet), and a larger number of bands of distinct hues. The hues were also probably more vivid as a consequence of the isolation of photoreceptor responses by the screening oil droplets (see Figure 9C). Finally, the color of the sky would not match the short-wave end of the spectrum as well as it would wavelengths closer to the middle of the rainbow seen by a dinosaur.