Dr. Gilles Escarguel is Assistant Professor ("Maître de Conférence") in Paleontology (Paleomammalogy) at Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France. After graduating with a degree in Natural Sciences in Montpellier, he completed a master's degree and received a doctorate in Paleontology from the same University (Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier) in 1998. He joined the Lyon team in 2000.
As a researcher, he focuses on: (i) the qualitative and quantitative compared analysis of the rates and modalities of morphological evolution, especially dental morphology and body size of mammals, and (ii) quantitative biochronology and paleobiogeography, and statistical investigations of biodiversity changes through geological time.
As a teacher in Earth and Evolutionary Sciences, his main teaching activities deal with statistic and data-processing courses (graduate level, with special emphasis on IDL), Evolutionary Theory, Vertebrate Paleontology, and Quantitative Paleobiology (Master in Paleontology and Sedimentary Environments).