Figure 1. Digital renderings of the articulated braincase of adult (FMNH 215541) and juvenile (TNHC 62987) Shinisaurus crocodilurus. The adult specimen is depicted on the left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile on the right (B, D, F, H, J). A-B. dorsal view; C-D. ventral view; E-F. left lateral view; G-H. anterior view; I-J. posterior view. Green = sphenoid; dark blue = basioccipital; red = supraoccipital; purple = prootic; orange = otooccipital; pale blue = calcified endolymph; white = statolithic mass. Anterior is to the left in A-F; dorsal is to the top in G-J. Scale bar = 5 mm.