Figure 11. Right navicular-cuboid of Sinocapra willdownsi (52139E). A, distal view and B, proximal view. Abbreviations: ecf, entocuneiform facet (anterior cuneal facet; 2nd. and 3rd. tarsal); amf, antero-external metatarsal facet; caf, calcaneal articular facet; eaaf, external astragal articular facet; iaaf, internal astragal articular facet; ip, internal process; mp, medial process; pcf, posterior cuneal facet (1st. tarsal); pmf, postero-external metatarsal facet; pmp, postero-external metatarsal process; tmpl, groove for tendon to musculus peroneus longus. 1, medio-lateral width, see text. Scale bar equals 10 mm.