Figure 5.1-27. All specimens are latex casts (except for R.7517.21.2, Figure 5.8, which is a calcareous specimen), coated with ammonium chloride sublimate. Specimens are figured with dorsal or ventral surface facing the camera, and in left or right lateral view (ventral surface facing left or right), and in apical or cross sectional view. The scale for each is stated in the caption. 1-4, aff. Brevibelus sp., 1, UTGD87331c (locality Q10). Lateral (?left) view, x 1.7. 2, 3, UTGD87320c. 2, ventral view, x 2. 3, lateral (?left) view, x 2. Immediate apex displaced along transverse fracture. 4, UTGD87335b. Lateral (?right) view, x 1.9. 5-6, Belemnopsis (or Hibolithes) sp., R.7517.28.1. Right lateral and ventral views, x 1, slightly distorted. 7-10, Belemnopsis cf. B. stevensi, 7, R.7517.16.1, ventral view of pre-adult, x 1.7. 8, R.7517.21.2, ventral view of abraded, partly concealed, calcareous, pre-adult (possibly with anterior end uppermost), x 1.3. 9, R.7504.3.8a, ventral view of pre-adult, x 1.2. 10, R.7519.5.20, ventral view of pre-adult, x 1.2. 11, Belemnopsis sp. A, UTGD87353c (Q13), view of apical fragment (note very wide, shallow ventral groove), x 1. 12-13, Belemnopsis sp. B, 12, R.7504.3.146, ventral view of pre-adult, x 1. 13, UTGD87162b(Q2), adult, (note sudden termination of ventral groove near mid-guard), x 1. 14-15, Belemnopsis sp. C, R.7519.4.3a, b, ventral and ?lateral view of two juvenile specimens, x 2.3. 16, Belemnopsis sp. D, UTGD87356a (Q13), approximately ventral view of crushed specimen, x 1. 17-19, Belemnopsis sp E, 17, R.7507.5.1, ventral view, x 1.5. 18, R.7507.5.2, ventral view, x 1.5. 19, R.7507.9.9, ventral view, x 1.8. 20-22, Belemnopsis sp. F, 20, UTGD87058c (Q17), ventral view, x 2. 21, R.7507.5.8, ventral view, x 2.3. 22, R.7507.5.7b, ventral view, x 2.3. 23-25, Belemnopsis sp. G, 23, 24, R.7507.3.6a, left lateral and ventral views, x 2. 25, R.7507.3.6b, left ventro-lateral view, x 2. 26-27, Belemnopsis sp. H, 26, R.7507.9.4b, right ventro-lateral view, x 2.5. 27, R.7507.9.4c, right lateral view, x 2.5.