Figure 35. 1-8. Fossil and extant Grisselinia (Grisseliniaceae). 1. CUT-Z-GBF, TLM view showing two stomatal complexes. The cuticle is very thick and stains darkly (SL4860, scale-bar = 50 µm); 2. CUT-Z-GBF, TLM detail of single stomatal complex (SL4860, scale-bar = 20 µm); 3. CUT-Z-GBF, SEM view of outer cuticular surface showing a single stomatal complex with prominent outer stomatal ledges which are surrounded by sharp and deep grooves (S-1582, scale-bar = 20 µm); 4. CUT-Z-GBF, SEM view of inner cuticular surface showing a single stomatal complex (S-1582, scale-bar = 20 µm); 5. Extant Griselinia lucida, TLM view showing three stomatal complexes (OTA31637, scale-bar = 50 µm); 6. Extant G. lucida, TLM detail of single stomatal complex (OTA31637, scale-bar = 20 µm); 7. Extant G. lucida, SEM view of outer cuticular surface showing stomatal complexes with prominent outer stomatal ledges and rims (S-1588, OTA31637, scale-bar = 20 µm); 8. Extant G. lucida, SEM view of inner cuticular surface showing a single stomatal complex (S-1588, OTA31637, scale-bar = 20 µm).