Figure 14. Inferred paleoenvironmental stages for the deposition of the Late Oligocene volcaniclastic strata from the Margargaria River localities, northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. 14.1 and14.2 Initial stages of paleoenvironment evolution depicting a forested landscape characterized by fluvial deposition associated with meandering streams. 14.3 and 14.4 Intermediate stages of paleoenvironment evolution showing moderate volcanic activity, altered forest vegetation, and sedimentary deposition gradually following a braided pattern. 14.5 Intermediate stage of paleoenvironment evolution showing landscape dominated by reed and fern vegetation inhabiting ponds and other water-saturated settings of ephemeral duration, where episodic volcanic activity, at times, interrupted in situ deposition of organic matter. 14.6 Intermediate stage of paleoenvironment evolution characterized by increased volcanic activity, sparse vegetation, and fluvial deposition according to a braided pattern. 14.7 Final stage of paleoenvironmental evolution showing a landscape dominated by the presence of ferns and other ecological pioneer plants, where deposition resulted mainly from airfall ash and ephemeral discharge of sediments by braided streams.