FIGURE 2. 1–3, carpels of Oxandra. 1. Side view, UF18882-33609. 2. Side view, UF18882-33610. 3. Sectional view showing woody wall and spongy pulp, UF18882-33611. 4. Immature carpel of extant Oxandra xylopioides, UF1152. 5–10, Parinari sp. 1. 5–7, 9, UF18882-32685. 5. Adaxial surface with epidermal cell walls that are straight to slightly curved. 6. Abaxial epidermal cells and "butterfly-shape" stomates. 7. Partial leaf with numerous regular spaced secondary veins. 8. Line drawing of partial leaf with alternate percurrent tertiary venation, UF18882-53698. 9. Abaxial surface with simple single-celled trichome (arrows). 10. Laminar and petiolar glands (arrows), UF18882-32686. 11, 12, Parinari sp. 2. 11. Side view of elliptical fruit, UF18882-33067. 12. Sectional view of fruit showing thick and bony endocarp with two locules, UF18882-33066. 13. Extant leaf of Parinari excelsa, UF5437. Scale bar for 1–4, and 8 equals 5 mm; 5, 6 equals 20 µm; 7 equals 2 cm; 9 equals 15 µm; 10 equals 0.5 mm; 11–13 equals 1 cm.