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Movie 1. Rock from Discovery Site in almost spent acid solution. A piece is extracted and rinsed to show the undissolved rock. Discovery Site rocks are high in clay compared to those from other Fort Polk Miocene sites. File size: 801 KB.

Movies of the LSU Museum of Natural Science bulk acid lab feature Dr. Suyin Ting, head of the lab, and student assistant Casey Foote. Lab procedures are illustrated using material from the Miocene of Fort Polk, Louisiana. Film was shot during a regular screening session on August 5, 1997.

Movie 2. Spent acid is bailed from the plastic boxes for removal to an 85-gallon barrel for neutralization, pH testing, and aeration before disgard. Boxes are then moved to a gurney for transport to the screening area. File size 1.1 MB.

Movies of the LSU Museum of Natural Science bulk acid lab feature Dr. Suyin Ting, head of the lab, and student assistant Casey Foote. Lab procedures are illustrated using material from the Miocene of Fort Polk, Louisiana. Film was shot during a regular screening session on August 5, 1997.

Movie 3. Boxes containing rocks from Stonehenge Site, Fort Polk, Louisiana, which have spent a rotation in acid, are brought by gurney to the washing sink. Rocks are rinsed and set aside on the box lids. Rocks will be returned to the emptied boxes after screening of the residue, and the boxes returned to their spots in the ranks, for further dissolution. File size 867 KB.

Movies of the LSU Museum of Natural Science bulk acid lab feature Dr. Suyin Ting, head of the lab, and student assistant Casey Foote. Lab procedures are illustrated using material from the Miocene of Fort Polk, Louisiana. Film was shot during a regular screening session on August 5, 1997.

Movie 4. The small amount of spent acid left in the boxes is bailed into the screens, and residue in the boxes is emptied into the screens. Most of the spent acid was previously removed by bailing before the boxes were transported and was carried to the waste barrel. Spent acid in the boxes was tested for pH at the sink, using pH strips which change color to indicate acid levels. File size 926 KB.

Movies of the LSU Museum of Natural Science bulk acid lab feature Dr. Suyin Ting, head of the lab, and student assistant Casey Foote. Lab procedures are illustrated using material from the Miocene of Fort Polk, Louisiana. Film was shot during a regular screening session on August 5, 1997.

Movie 5. Washing of residue from the boxes on the nested screens. File size 471 KB.

Movies of the LSU Museum of Natural Science bulk acid lab feature Dr. Suyin Ting, head of the lab, and student assistant Casey Foote. Lab procedures are illustrated using material from the Miocene of Fort Polk, Louisiana. Film was shot during a regular screening session on August 5, 1997.