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FIGURE 1. Location of the nine sections studied from the Cuayuca Formation, Puebla, Mexico. 1, Principal, “A” and “B” sections; 2, “F”, “H” and second sections; and 3, Lagunillas, Lagunillas de Rayón and Tzompahuacan sections.


FIGURE 2. Stratigraphic columns with the location of the palynological samples studied from the Cuayuca Formation, Puebla, Mexico.


FIGURE 3. Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation. 1, Arecipites sp., Pb-9137(1): EF R41/1; 2-3, Liliacidites sp. 1, Pb-9136(1): EF U36/1); 4, Casuarinidites sp., Pb-9136(2): EF J41/3; 5, Monoporopollenites sp., Pb-9334(4): Y38/1; 6, Liliacidites sp. 2, Pb-9334(4): EF M31/3; 7 , Aglaoreidia pristina, Pb-9334(4): 96.6/4; 8, Liliacidites sp. 3, Pb-8871 (A): EF V41/4; 9, Chenopodipollis sp., Pb-9334(4): EF U43/1; 10, Favitricolporites sp., Pb-9138(’1): EF S32/3; 11, Armeria pollen type, Pb-9340(1): EF P33/3; 12-13, Fabaceae pollen type 1, Pb-9334(4): EF N37/1; 14-15, Glycydendron pollen type, Pb-8872(1): EF O45/2; 16, Eucommia sp., Pb-9334(1): EF E40/3; 17, Intratriporopollenites sp., Pb-9340(1): EF H27/3; 18-20, Fabaceae pollen type 2, Pb-8890(1): N27/4; 21-22, Rhoipites aff. cryptoporus , Pb-8890(1): EF Q30/2; 23, Bombacacidites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF V39/1. Scale bar represents 10 µm.


FIGURE 4. Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation. 1, Corsinipollenites sp. 1, Pb-9334(1): EF G33/3; 2, Corsinipollenites sp. 3, Pb-9334(4): EF R36/1; 3, Corsinipollenites sp. 2, Pb-9334(4): EF T35/3; 4-5, Margocolporites sp., Pb-9340(1): EF N35/3; 6, Margocolporites aff. vanwijhei , Pb-9334(1'): EF T39/2; 7, Monocolpopollenites aff. texensis Nichols, Ames and Traverse 1973 Pb-8872(1A): EF W29/1; 8-9 Rhoipites sp., Pb-8890(1):101.9/17.2; 10,  Lymingtonia sp., Pb-9334(4): EF S32/4; 11, Momipites tenuipolus Pb-9334(4): 101.6/12.5; 12, Momipites coryloides, Pb-9138’(1): 92.2/2.8; 13, Fabaceae pollen type 3, Pb-9334(4): EF M34/4; 14, Clavainaperturites sp., Pb-9147(2): EF R34/2; 15, Linum pollen type, Pb-9334 (1’): EF S33/2; 16, Magnaperiporites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF R39/2; 9. Scale bar represnts 10 µm.


FIGURE 5. Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation. 1, Polyadopollenites sp. 2, Pb-9334(4): EF R37/4; 2-3, Polyadopollenites sp. 1, Pb-9340(1): 101.4/12.6; 4, Landolphia pollen type, Pb-9334(1): EF T41/1; 5, Perisyncolporites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF E44/1; 6, 10, Malpighiaceoidites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF H42/2; 7, 11, Mutisiapollis sp., Pb-8872(3): EF P33/4; 8-9, Striatricolporites sp., Pb-9336(1): EF G32/1; 12, Malvacipollis spinulosa , Pb-9334(4): 94/7; 13, Ranunculacidites cf. communis , Pb-9334(4): EF D34/1/4; 14-15, Brosipollis sp., Pb-9334(4): EF U41/3; 16, Polyadopollenites sp. 1 Pb-9334(4): EF S39/4; 17, Tubulifloridites sp., Pb-9136(1): EF F39/4; 18, Ulmipollenites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF N40/1; 19, Thomsonipollis sabinetownensis , Pb-9334(4): 94.2/7.4; 20, Sabicea pollen type, Pb-9334(4): EF E42/1; 21, Ranunculacidites operculatus , Pb-9334(4): 101.8/7.2; 22 Rhamnaceaepollenites sp., Pb-9334(4): EF T32/2. Scale bar represents 10 µm.


FIGURE 6. Hierarchical cluster of the Cuayuca Formation pollen grains. Names of taxa were highlighted according to the vegetation type in which they are usually found in present days in Mexico.


FIGURE 7. PAE anlaysis between studied sections from the Cuayuca Formation Mcy member: second section, Izúcar de Matamoros (IzS); Tzompahuacan (Tzo); Lagunillas de Rayón (LagRay); Lagunillas (Lag); “B” section, Cuayuca (CyB); “F” section, Izúcar de Matamoros (IzF); “H” section, Izúcar de Matamoros (IzH); Principal section (CyPrincipal); “A” section (CyA).


FIGURE 8. Paleopalynological assemblage of the Cuayuca Formation Mcy member and CONISS analysis. Sections were organized considering PAE analysis of Figure 7.


FIGURE 9. Index taxa recovered from the Cuayuca Formation, Puebla.


FIGURE 10. Correlations between two outcrops from the Izucar de Matamoros (F and H sections from the El Calvario) with the stratotype sections from the Cuayuca Formation.
