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FIGURE 1. Right hemimandible of Daphoenictis tedfordi (UNSM 27015) with canine, 3-m2, and broken base of p2 and single-rooted p1, middle Chadronian, Chadron Formation, section 31, T34N, R53W, Orella 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, Sioux Co., Nebraska. 1, buccal view; 2, lingual view; 3, occlusal view.

figure 1

FIGURE 2. Topographic map of the Toadstool Park-Raben Ranch-Orella Buttes area, Sioux County, Nebraska. Chadron Formation outcrops here have yielded most fossils of Daphoenictis tedfordi in North America, including UNSM 27015 that closely compares with the Cypress Hills holotype, Saskatchewan. 1, ravine in sec. 31, T34N, R53W, site of the Raben Ranch local fauna and probable collecting locality of UNSM 27015; 2, stratotype of the Big Cottonwood Creek Member of the Chadron Formation (Terry and LaGarry, 1998); 3, approximate limit of the “1 mile northwest of UNSM collecting district Sx-41,” stated in the UNSM locality designation for UNSM 27015 (see Site of Collection); RAM 4906 and RAM 4907, Ray Alf Museum sites where D. tedfordi was collected.

figure 2

FIGURE 3. Stratigraphic section of the Chadron Formation including RAM Locality 4906, SE1/4, sec. 31, T34N, R53W, Sioux Co., Nebraska, measured by R.H. Tedford in 1964. Note the LPW (Lower Purple-White) and UPW (Upper Purple-White) ashes relative to the faunal horizon.

figure 3

FIGURE 4. Stratigraphic section of the Chadron Formation from Ostrander (1985, fig. 5) in W1/2, NE1/4, sec. 31, T34N, R53W, with the Raben Ranch local fauna and the fossiliferous interval above and below the “pond limestone” that corresponds to the stratigraphic interval that produced the UNSM assemblage with Daphoenictis.

figure 4