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FIGURE 1. Geological map of the region around the Şemsettin locality (modified from Karadenizli et al., 2004 and from Özcan et al., 2007) and lithostratigraphic column across the Şemsettin locality (modified from Karadenizli et al., 2004).

figure 1

FIGURE 2. Figure 2 Suid remains from Şemsettin, Çankiri-Çorum Basin, north Central Anatolia. Nguruwe ? galaticum sp. nov.: 1-3, fragmentary cranium, type specimen SMT-1 in 1) occlusal, 2) left lateral, 3) right lateral views; 6-9, right canine associated to SMT-1 in 6) ventral, 7) posterior, 8) lateral, 9) anterior view; 10-14, left P3 associated to SMT-1 in 10) occlusal, 11) labial, 12) anterior, 13) lingual, 14) posterior views. Hyotheriinae gen. et sp. indet: 4-5, isolated right dp4 SMT-2 in 4) occlusal, 5) labial views. Arrows indicate anterior direction for jugal teeth. Scale bars equal 5 mm.

figure 2

FIGURE 3. 3D reconstruction of SMT-1 from Şemsettin in occlusal view and 1-2) CT scan slide showing root structure at different sections of the specimen: 1) buccal; 2) lingual. Arrows indicate anterior direction. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 3 


FIGURE 4. Occlusal pattern of the M2 of: 1, specimen from Şemsettin (SMT-1); 2, Aureliachoerus aurelianensis (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, MNHN Ar 2611); 3, Hyotherium meisneri (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, van der Made, 1994, plate IV7); 4, Nguruwe kijivium (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, KNM); 5, Sanitherium (Sanitheriidae, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 5J); 6, Palaeochoerus (Palaeochoeridae, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 5H); 7, Taucanamo (Palaeochoeridae, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 5I). Not to scale. Abbreviations: cul, centroconule; enP, endoprotocrista; enPa, endoparacrista; M, metacone; mesl, mesiostyle; mestl, metastyle; P, Protocone; Pa, paraconule; Pasl, parastyle; Paul, paraconule; posM, postmetacrista; posPa, postparacrista; preM, premetacrista; preP, preprotocrista; prePa, preparacrista.

figure 4

FIGURE 5. Boxplots of 1, Antero-Posterior Length (APL) and 2, Labio-Lingual Length (LLL) measurements of Hyotherium meisneri in light grey (measurements from van der Made, 1994), Aureliachoerus aurelianensis in black (measurements from the material from Artenay curated in the MNHN and from van der Made and Morales, 1999), Chicochoerus minus in white (measurements from van der Made, 1998; van der Made and Morales, 1999; Orliac et al., 2006), Nguruwe kijivium in stripes (measurements from Pickford, 1986), Nguruwe namibense in dark grey (measurements from Pickford, 2008). The specimens from Şemsettin are represented by black stars. Abbreviations: C. m, Chicochoerus minus ; H. m, Hyotherium meisneri; N. k, Nguruwe kijivium.

figure 5

FIGURE 6. Occlusal pattern of the dp4 of: 1, specimen from Şemsettin (SMT-2); 2, Hyotherium mesneri (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, illustrated after van der Made, 1994, plate IV4b, mirror view); 3, Aureliachoerus aurelianensis (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, MNHN Ar 2566); 4, Nguruwe kijivium (Suidae, Hyotheriinae, KNM SO1062, mirror view), 5, Eurolistriodon tenarezensis (Suidae, Listriodontinae, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 6H); 6, Palaeochoerus (Palaeochoeridae, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 6G); 7, Egatochoerus (Suoidea incertae sedis, modified after Orliac et al., 2011, figure 6F); 8, Sanitherium (Sanitheriidae, THY 9, figured in Bonis et al., 1997); 9, Taucanamo sansaniense (MNHN Sa 4618, mirror view). All teeth represented with the same length, not to scale. Abbreviations: E, entoconid; ectE, ectoendocristid; ectH, ectohypocritid; ectP, ectoprotocristid; enE, endoentocristid; enH, endohypocritid; enPrm, endoprimocristid; H, Hypoconid; Hul, Hypoconulide; M, metacristid; P, Protoconid; Pa, paraconid; posecM, postectometacristid; posecP, postectoprotocristid; posH, posthypocristid; posM, postmetacristid; posP, postprotocristid; posPa, postparacristid; posPrm, postprimocristide; preM, premetacristid; prep, preprotocristide; prePa, preparacristid; prePrm, preprimonid; Prm, primonid.

figure 6