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TABLE 1. Species of the tribe Tanytarsini in the Hoffeins collection and inventory numbers of amber pieces with the specimens examined. CCHH=the collection of Christel and Hans Werner Hoffeins, Germany.

Species Specimen Inventory number
Archistempellina falcifera 1 ♂ CCHH 257-1
Archistempellina perkovskyi 1 ♂ CCHH 1754-4
Caladomyia szadziewskii 1 ♂ CCHH 213-3
Corneliola avia 5 ♂♂ CCHH 93-8, CCHH 213-6, CCHH 242-7, CCHH 257-4, CCHH 1754-9
Eonandeva helva 1 ♂ CCHH 1754-1
Eonandeva latistyla 1 ♂ CCHH 1754-10
Rheotanytarsus hoffeinsorum 1 ♂ CCHH 242-6
Stempellinella fibra 1 ♂ CCHH 257-5
Tanytarsus crocota 1 ♂ CCHH 1754-7
Tanytarsus glaesarius 2 ♂♂ CCHH 213-4
Tanytarsus protogregarius 5 ♂♂ CCHH 242-1, CCHH 242-11, CCHH 257-8, CCHH 1754-12
Tanytarsus serafini 8 ♂♂ CCHH 93-7, CCHH 213-9, CCHH 242-2, CCHH 242-3, CCHH 257-9, CCHH 1754-2, CCHH 1754-3, CCHH 1754-8
Tanytarsini indet. 11 ♂♂ CCHH 93-9, CCHH 140-6, CCHH 213-1, CCHH 213-2, CCHH 213-8, CCHH 242-8, CCHH 257-7, CCHH 257-3, CCHH 242-9, CCHH 242-12, CCHH 1754-13A



TABLE 2. Leg segment lengths (μm) and leg ratios of male Archistempellina falcifera. Measurements of the holotype are in bold (cf. Giłka et al., 2013). p1 -p3 =pair of legs 1-3, fe=femur, ti=tibia, ta1 -ta5 =tarsomeres 1-5, LR=leg ratio.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 - 440-500 895-960 460-480 380-400 290-305 120 (120) 1.92 -2.03
p2 825 610-645 455-460 230 185 125 80 0.71-0.75
p3 780 660- 750 615 - - - - 0.93

TABLE 3. Leg segment lengths (μm) and leg ratios of male Archistempellina perkovskyi. Measurements of the holotype are in bold (cf. Zakrzewska and Giłka, 2014). p1 -p3 =pair of legs 1-3, fe=femur, ti=tibia, ta1 -ta5 =tarsomeres 1-5, LR=leg ratio.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 675 395 795 430 355 270 105 2.01
p2 675- 750 550- 630 380 210 165 105 65 0.69
p3 675 605-730 505-585 305-345 255-275 150-165 70-75 0.80-0.83

TABLE 4. Leg segment lengths (μm) and leg ratios of male Rheotanytarsus hoffeinsorum sp. nov. p1 -p3 =pair of legs 1-3, fe=femur, ti=tibia, ta1 -ta5 =tarsomeres 1-5, LR=leg ratio.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 690 515 - - - - - -
p2 750 625 - - - - - -
p3 765 720 470 275 220 140 100 0.65

TABLE 5. Leg segment lengths (μm) and leg ratios of male Tanytarsus crocota sp. nov. p1 -p3 =pair of legs 1-3, fe=femur, ti=tibia, ta1 -ta5 =tarsomeres 1-5, LR=leg ratio.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 660 595 - - - - - -
p2 690 630 370 210 160 90 65 0.59
p3 645 690 410 245 200 105 75 0.59

TABLE 6. Leg segment lengths (μm) and leg ratios of male Stempellinella fibra sp. nov. p1 -p3 =pair of legs 1-3, fe=femur, ti=tibia, ta1 -ta5 =tarsomeres 1-5, LR=leg ratio.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 470 225 - - - - - -
p2 490 - 260 120 95 70 45 -
p3 - 425 325 180 150 105 55 0.76

TABLE 7. Diversity of Tanytarsini taxa with numbers of specimens examined from different collections of Eocene Baltic amber examined (Giłka, 2010, 2011a; Giłka et al., 2013; Zakrzewska and Giłka, 2013, 2014, 2015a, 2015b). + for taxon present in the collection; - for taxon absent from the collection; CCHH=the collection of Christel and Hans Werner Hoffeins, Germany; MAI=collection of the Museum of Amber Inclusions, University of Gdańsk, Poland; SIZ=collection of the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

Genus Species CCHH
Gulf of Gdańsk
Gulf of Gdańsk
Rovno region
Archistempellina   + - +
  bifurca - - 1
  falcifera 1 - 1
  perkovskyi 1 - 1
Caladomyia   + - -
  szadziewskii 1 - -
Corneliola   + + +
  avia 5 16 4
Eonandeva   + - -
  helva 1 - -
  latistyla 1 - -
Rheotanytarsus   + - +
  alliciens - - 1
  hoffeinsorum 1 - -
Stempellinella   + + +
  electra - 1 -
  fibra 1 - -
  ivanovae - 1 1
Tanytarsus   + + +
  congregabilis - - 3
  crocota 1 - -
  fereci - 1 -
  glaesarius 2 1 -
  protogregarius 5 3 -
  serafini 8 4 1
Total number
of genera/species
  7/12 3/7 5/8