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FIGURE 1. The label on the first page of the serial section drawings. It is written “Specimen N°1821 (FN). MN° 346. Complete Aneumogomphius ? skull therocephalian. Sections ½ mm. Magnification x4.” The document is signed “A.S. Brink”. Abbreviations: FN, Field Number; MN°, Museum Number.


FIGURE 2. Comparison of the different reconstructions of BP/1/1821 in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views. 1, the wax model; and 2, the original illustrations by Brink, found with the serial section drawings.


FIGURE 3. The digital model in (1) right lateral, (2) left lateral and (3) ventral view in stereopairs. Scale bar equals 10 mm. See also the supplementary video in Appendix 2.


FIGURE 4. The slices of specimen BP/1/1821 finally put back together again, as seen in the hands of the CT scan facility technician K. Jakata (ESI). This 3D printed model is the first time in 55 years that BP/1/1821 has been accurately reconstructed at life-size.


FIGURE 5. Segmentation of the skull bones of BP/1/1821, (1) in the cranium and (2) in the lower jaw. Scale bar equals 10 mm.


FIGURE 6. Comparison between the digital model (top) and the wax model (bottom), in rostral (left) and lateral views (right). Arrows indicate the direction of deformation of the wax model. Scale bar equals 10 mm.


FIGURE 7. The state of preservation of the wax model of BP/1/1821. 1, the right side of the snout showing the deformation of the canine; 2, the palate showing the broken vomer; 3, the basicranium showing multiple cracks, nails and sticks around the pterygoid; 4, view of the right orbit showing multiple cracks, nails and sticks; 5, dorsal view of the of the mandible showing multiple cracks, nails and sticks; 6, detail of the inner side of the left ascending ramus of the mandible showing a stick embedded in the wax; and 7, lateral view of the mandible showing the incomplete reflected lamina of the angular. The arrows point to the nails, dotted lines demarcate the cracks. Not to scale.
