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FIGURE 1. Analyzed measurements and a groundplan of the morphological structures in the species of Tanidromites on the example of T. alexandrae (after Starzyk, 2015a, figure 1). Further explanation in text (ag - anterior groove, hp - hepatic pit, ht - hepatic tubercle, cp - cervical pit). Abbreviations for the measurements are in the Material and Methods.


FIGURE 2. Anterior part of the carapace and the augenrest in Tanidromites spp. The area of augenrest is shaded.


FIGURE 3. Tanidromites longinosa n. sp. 1, paratype (#6239, Ogrodzieniec) (cp - cervical pit); 2, specimen (#6242, Ogrodzieniec); 3, 4, upper orbital margin (3 - #2725 Bzów; 4 - #1908, Bzów); 5, 6, augenrest, anterior view (5 - #6302, Kroczyce; 6 - #1908, Bzów); 7, lateral view (#6238, Kroczyce); 8, holotype (#6307, Ogrodzieniec). Scale bars equal 1 mm.


FIGURE 4. Tanidromites wysokaensis n. sp. 1, paratype (#6260, Ogrodzieniec); 2, holotype (#6240, Ogrodzieniec); 3, paratype (#6263, Niegowonice); 4, anterior part of the carapace (paratype, #6263, Niegowonice); 5, lateral view (#6240, Ogrodzieniec); 6, 7, augenrest, anterior view (6 - #6263, Niegowonice; 7 - #6240, Ogrodzieniec); 8, anterior part of the carapace (holotype, #6240, Ogrodzieniec). ht - hepatic tubercle. Scale bars equal 1 mm.


FIGURE 5. Tanidromites schweitzerae n. sp. 1, holotype (#4515, Niegowonice); 2, specimen (#4562, Niegownice); 3, lateral view (#4562, Niegowonice); 4, rostrum (holotype #4515, Niegowonice); 5, augenrest, view from above (holotype #4515, Niegowonice); 6, specimen (#6249, Niegowonice). Scale bars equal 1 mm.
