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paleoart authorMark P. Witton. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Burnaby Building, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth, PO1 3QL UK;, Twitter. @markwitton

Mark Witton is a palaeontological artist, author and researcher based at the University of Portsmouth, UK. His research focuses mostly on pterosaurs, the flying reptiles contemporaneous with non-avian dinosaurs, with particular interest in their lifestyles, palaeoecology and functional morphology. He is the author and artist of the acclaimed Pterosaurs: Natural History, Evolution, Anatomy (2013, Princeton University Press) as well as the palaeoart collection Recreating an Age of Reptiles (2017, Crowood Press). Mark's palaeoartworks have featured in numerous research papers, news reports, books, television shows, museums and art galleries, including London's Southbank and the American Museum of Natural History. His upcoming books, The Palaeoart Handbook (2018, Crowood Press) and Life Through The Ages II (2018, Indiana University Press) focus on the history and scientific theory of palaeoart.