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vachardDaniel Vachard. 1 rue des Tilleuls, 59152 Gruson, France;

Daniel Vachard is 70 years old. He is retired from the CNRS (French Scientific Investigation Center) and University of Lille (France). His topics are the micropalaeontology of the smaller foraminifers, fusulinids, and calcareous algae, and their biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography. He has largely contributed to the Givetian to Triassic stratigraphy, and especially the Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy, in France, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Greece, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Afghanistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, South China, Australia, New Mexico, Mexico and Guatemala.


le cozeFrançois Le Coze. World Foraminifera Database, 80 rue Jean Parot, 42100 Saint-Etienne, France;

François Le Coze is 48 years old. He is an independent researcher and cooperates as an editor with the World Foraminifera Database. He extensively documented d’Orbigny’s publication from 1826, where first appeared the name Foraminifère, and actively participated with Bruce Hayward in the introduction of the foraminifera fossil species in the site WORMS. He is currently rewiewing the Paleozoic foraminiferal taxonomy with Daniel Vachard.