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TABLE 1. Description of the Dubrovino section.

Layer No. Elevation
Thickness (m) Description
8 12.7-13.0 0.3 Modern soil
7 12.0-12.7 0.7 Sandy loam consistent, dry, whitish, with ferruginous interlayer in lower part
6 7.1-12.0 4.9 Horizontal alternation of medium and coarse-grained sands
5 6.9-7.1 0.2 Interlayer with fine and compact light-grey sand
4 4.4-6.9 2.5 Alternation of medium sands and coarse-grained sands; in right side coarse-grained sands are turning into sandy gravel with fragments fragment of cbivalve shells
3 0.4-4.4 4.0 Alternation of fine-grained sands, loamy sands and grey-brown loams
2* 0.1-0.4 0.3 Grey loam with a streak of alluvial detritus
1 0-0.1 >0.1 Rufous clay extending under water surface

*Sample upper 0.2 m (12.6-12.8 m from the surface) with insect remains and phytodetritus for dating.


TABLE 2. Species composition and number of insect fragments in Dubrovino taphocoenosis. HD = head, PR = pronotum, EL = elytra, OT = other fragments, Nmin = minimum number of specimens.

No. Species Distribution* Type of fragment Nmin
1 Notiophilus cf. aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) + - - 2 - 2
2 Notiophilus fasciatus Mäklin, 1855 North - - 1 - 1
- Notiophilus sp.   - - 1 - 1
3 Nebria cf. rubrofemorata Shilenkov, 1975 East - - 1 - 1
4 Nebria subdilatata Motschulsky, 1844 East - - 1 - 1
5 Diacheila polita (Faldermann, 1835) North - - 1 - 1
6 Elaphrus cf. riparius (Linnaeus, 1758) + 1 2 - - 2
- Elaphrus sp. - - - 2 1 1
7 Clivina fossor (Linnaeus, 1758) + - 2 2 - 2
8 Trechus cf. compactulus Belousov and Kabak, 1996 East - - 2 - 2
9 Trechus sp. 1 - - - 3 - 2
10 Bembidion (Plataphodes) cf. fellmanni (Mannerheim, 1823) North - - 1 - 1
- Bembidion (Plataphodes) sp. - - - 1 - 1
11 Bembidion (Plataphus) sp. - - - 2 - 2
12 Bembidion (Peryphus) dauricum (Motschulsky, 1844) East - - 4 - 3
13 Bembidion (Asioperyphus) spp. - 4 - - - 4
14 Bembidion (Pamirium) sp. South - - 1 - 1
- Bembidion sp. - - - 1 4 1
15 Pogonus iridipennis Nicolai, 1822 South - 1 - - 1
16 Pogonus punctulatus Dejean, 1828 South - 3 3 - 3
17 Patrobus cf. septentrionis Dejean, 1828 + - - 1 - 1
18 Poecilus (Derus) cf. ravus (Lutshnik, 1922) East - 6 9 - 5
19 Poecilus (Derus) sp. 1 - - 12 6 - 11
20 Poecilus (Poecilus) fortipes (Chaudoir, 1850) + - 1 - - 1
21 Pterostichus (Lyperopherus) mirus (Tschitschérine, 1894) East - 1 - - 1
30 Pterostichus (Adelosia) macer (Marsham, 1802) South - 1 - - 1
22 Pterostichus (Cryobius) cf. brevicornis (Kirby, 1837) North - 2 1 - 2
23 Pterostichus (Cryobius) spp. North? - 3 6 - 4
24 Pterostichus (Petrophilus) cf. tomensis (Gebler, 1847) East - 2 - - 2
25 Pterostichus (Petrophilus) sp. 1 - - 2 - - 2
- Pterostichus spp. - - 2 3 - 4
26 Amara (Amara) sp. - - - 1 - 1
27 Amara (Bradytus) aurichalcea Germar, 1823 North - 1 - - 1
28 Curtonotus sp. - - 4 3 - 4
29 Agonum sp. - - - 1 - 1
30 Olisthopus sturmii (Duftschmid, 1812) + - - 1 - 1
31 Harpalus spp. - 2 3 - - 3
32 Cymindis cf. arctica Kryzhanovskij and Emetz, 1979 East 1 5 - - 5
- Cymindis spp. - 1 - 1 - 1
- Carabidae indet. - 25 - 7 55 -
33 Cymbiodyta marginella (Fabricius, 1792) + - - - 1 1
34 Cercyon sp. - - - 1 - 1
35 Helophorus spp. - - - 6 - 3
36 Leiodidae indet. - - - 1 - 1
37 Thanatophilus spp. - - 1 4 - 2
- Silphidae indet. - 1 5 1 - 5
38 Tachinus sp. - - - - 1 1
39 Omaliinae indet. - - 1 - - 1
- Staphylinidae indet. - - 3 1 - 3
40 Aegialia cf. abdita Nikritin, 1975 North - - 1 - 1
41 Aphodius multiplex Reitter, 1867 South 1 - - - 1
42 Aphodius dictinctus (O.F. Müller, 1776) + - - 1 - 1
43 Aphodius sp. - 4 7 15 2 8
44 Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Schaller, 1783) + 1 3 5   3
45 Morychus ostasiaticus Tshernyshev, 1997 East - - 4 2 2
46 Porcinolus murinus (Fabricius, 1794) South - - 1 - 1
47 Simplocaria elongata J. Sahlberg, 1903 North - - 1 - 1
48 Cytilus sericeus (Foerster, 1771) + - - 1 1 1
49 Hypnoidus sp. - - 1 3 - 2
50 Elateridae indet. - - - 4 4 2
51 Coccinella sp. - - 1 - 1 1
52 Scymnus sp. -   - 1 - 1
53 Centorus rufipes (Gebler, 1833) South - 7 - - 7
54 Xyletinus sp. - - - 1 - 1
55 Hydrothassa hannoveriana (Fabricius, 1775) North - - 1 - 1
56 Chrysomelidae indet. - - 3 2 1 3
57 Mesotrichapion punctirostre (Gyllenhal in Schoenherr, 1839) South - - 3 - 2
58 Apioninae indet. - - - 19 6 10
59 Tournotaris bimaculata (Fabricius, 1787) + 13 19 12 23 19
60 Notaris aethiops (Paykull, 1792) North 18 1 - 1 18
61 Thryogenes nereis (Paykull, 1800) + 1 1 1 - 1
62 Hylobius excavatus (Laicharting, 1781) North - - 1 - 1
63 Pissodes insignatus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1843 East - - 1 - 1
64 Lepyrus nordenskioldi Faust in Sahlberg, 1887 North 1 - - - 1
65 Lepyrus sp. - - - - 1 1
66 Lixus paraplecticus (Linnaeus, 1758) + - - 2 - 1
67 Stephanocleonus eruditus Faust, 1890 East 4 - 2 - 4
68 Stephanocleonus favens Faust, 1884 East 1 - - - 1
69 Stephanocleonus fossulatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1823) East 1 - - - 1
70 Stephanocleonus isochromus Suvorov, 1912 East 2 - - - 2
71 Stephanocleonus leucopterus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1823) South 1 - - - 1
72 Coniocleonus sp. - - - - 1 1
- Cleonini gen. sp. - - - 2 - -
73 Ceutorhynchus ignitus Germar, 1823 + - - 1 - 1
74 Tychius albolineatus Motschulsky, 1860 South - - 1 - 1
75 Hypera ornata (Capiomont, 1868) North - 1 - - 1
  Hypera sp. - - - - 1 1
76 Metadonus distinguendus (Boheman in Schoenherr, 1842) + 1 1 - - 1
77 Trichalophus biguttatus (Gebler, 1832) East 1 - - - 1
78 Sitona sp. - 2 14 - - 14
79 Chlorophanus sibiricus Gyllenhal in Schoenherr, 1834 + - - - 1 1
80 Phyllobius femoralis Boheman in Schoenherr, 1842 East 1 - - - 1
81 Phyllobius virideaeris (Laicharting, 1781) + 3 1 2 - 3
  Phyllobius spp. - - 4 14 6 7
82 Polydrusus amoenus (Germar, 1823) North 7 - - - 7
83 Otiorhynchus arcticus (O. Fabricius, 1780) North - 1 - - 1
84 Otiorhynchus beatus Faust, 1890 East - - 2 - 1
85 Otiorhynchus grandineus Germar, 1823 East - - 2 - 1
86 Otiorhynchus janovskii Korotyaev, 1990 East - 2 13 - 7
87 Otiorhynchus altaicus Stierlin, 1861 South 220 165 103 82 220
88 Otiorhynchus ursus Gebler, 1844 South 13
89 Otiorhynchus obscurus Gyllenhal in Schoenherr, 1834 South 19 41 13 11 41
90 Otiorhynchus politus Gyllenhal in Schoenherr, 1834 North 4 11 6 18 11
91 Otiorhynchus pullus Gyllenhal in Schoenherr, 1834 South 1 6 2 - 6
92 Otiorhynchus unctuosus Germar, 1823 South - 1 11 - 6
- Otiorhynchus sp. - - - - 19 -
- Coleoptera indet. - 17 3 - 5 -
- Hymenoptera indet. - 5 - - 7 5

* Modern distribution in comparison with the Dubrovino site.