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FIGURE 1. Cretaceous harvestman of uncertain suborder, LH-29969, from Las Hoyas. 1, Photograph of LH-29969. 2, Camera lucida drawing of LH-29969. Arrows indicate the detected leg articulations.


FIGURE 2. Photomicrograph under ethanol of Cosmobunus sagani nov. sp. (Sclerosomatidae), from the Miocene of Rubielos de Mora Basin. Holotype (MPV-2417-RM), most likely a male.


FIGURE 3. Cosmobunus sagani nov. sp. (Sclerosomatidae), holotype (MPV-2417-RM), most likely a male. 1, Camera lucida drawing of the habitus. 2, Detail of the body.


FIGURE 4. Microphotographs of some anatomical details of Cosmobunus sagani nov. sp. (Sclerosomatidae), holotype (MPV-2417-RM), most likely a male, taken under ethanol. 1, pedipalps. 2, smooth ocularium. 3, granules on leg I. 4, row of laterodistal granules in the tibiotarsal articulation of the pedipalp. 5, rows of trilobate denticles on two coxae (arrows point some of the denticles). 6, cuticular granulate ornamentation on the opistosoma. Image 3 made with some pictures taken at successive focal planes, as explained in the text.


FIGURE 5. Microphotographs of the pedipalpal tarsal claw. 1, Extant Leiobunum rotundum (pectinated claw). 2-3, Fossil Cosmobunus sagani nov. sp. and extant Cosmobunus granarius (both with smooth claw). All to the same scale.


FIGURE 6. Photographs and microphotographs of extant Cosmobonus granarius for comparison. 1-2, Photographs of the body in dorsal and lateral views. Note the coxal denticles (images electronically made with consecutive pictures taken at successive focal planes). 3-4, Photomicrographs of two rows of trilobate coxal denticles in coxa I (3) and coxa IV (4).


FIGURE 7. Fossil record of Opiliones. 1, Distribution of the paleontological localities that have yielded harvestmen species (plus the Opiliones indet. from Koonwarra Fossil Beds, Bezonnais or Anjou amber, and Las Hoyas). 2, Percentage of fossil species grouped in suborders. 3, Percentage diagram of the diverse types of fossilization. Primary source: Dunlop et al. (2018).
