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TABLE 1. Geographic representation of number of species in select rodent Families. Based on fossil occurrence data in Supplementary Material.

  West US % East US % Both % Total
Mylagaulidae 1 50 1 50 0 0 2
Castoridae 4 44 2 22 3 33 9
Hydrochoeridae 1 50 1 50 0 0 2
Erethizontidae 3 60 1 20 1 20 5
Aplodontidae 1 100 0 0 0 0 1
Sciuridae 32 51 19 30 12 19 63
Geomyidae 12 44 11 41 4 15 27
Heteromyidae 22 59 5 14 10 27 37
Cricetidae 46 52 21 24 21 24 88
Arvicolidae 25 35 28 39 18 25 71
Dipodidae 0 0 6 86 1 14 7
Totals 147 47 95 30 70 22 312