APPENDIX 2 Nexus-formatted character matrix for the 42 taxa included in our phylogenetic analyses. Outgroup taxa were Djarthia murgonensis, Barinya wangala, Mutpuracinus archibaldi, Dasyurus hallucatus, Dasyuroides byrnei, Phascogale tapoatafa, Antechinus stuartii, Sminthopsis macroura. ? = missing data; - = inapplicable. #NEXUS BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=42; TAXLABELS 'D. murgonensis' 'M. archibaldi' 'B. wangala' 'D. hallucatus' 'D. byrnei' 'P. tapoatafa' 'A. stuartii' 'S. macroura' 'C. ecaudatus' 'M. lagotis' 'M. leucura' 'I. australis' 'P. broadbenti' 'P. raffrayana' 'M.longicauda' 'M. papuensis' 'R. prattorum' 'E. clara' 'E. davidi' 'E. kalubu' 'E. rufescens' 'cf. P. tedfordi' 'cf. P. sp.' 'I. auratus' 'I. obesulus' 'I. macrourus' 'P. nasuta' 'P. bougainville' 'P. gunnii' 'P. eremiana' 'P. sobbei' 'P. bowensis' 'P. allinghamensis' 'Y. burchfieldi' 'Y. kida' 'G. speciosus' 'G. grandis' 'G. amplus' 'G. adversus' 'B. palara' 'B. muirheadae' 'B. campbelli' ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=156; FORMAT DATATYPE=STANDARD MISSING=? GAP=- SYMBOLS="01234"; CHARLABELS [1] 'Upper incisor number' [2] 'Diastema between I4 and I5' [3] 'I5 morphology' [4] 'Degree of development of lingual shelf on P3' [5] 'P3 major cusp development' [6] 'Stylar crest on M1' [7] 'Anterior cingulum of M1' [8] 'Anterior cingulum of M3' [9] 'Direction of preparacrista of M1' [10] 'Posterior cingulum of M3' [11] 'Morphology of the centrocrista on M1 and M2' [12] 'Morphology of centrocrista on M3' [13] 'Lobation of i3' [14] 'Length of p3' [15] 'Presence of preentocristid' [16] 'Direction of preentocristid of m1-3' [17] 'Cusp within the hypoflexid region, between the talonid and trigonid on the buccal side' [18] 'Distinction between lower molar crowns and roots' [19] 'Hypoconulid posterior to entoconid' [20] 'Size of talonid on m4' [21] 'Snout length and premaxilla size' [22] 'Width of nasals' [23] 'Position of nasal-frontal suture/maximum posterior extension of nasals' [24] 'Infraorbital canal length' [25] 'Jugal-maxilla contact' [26] 'Lacrimal orbital rim' [27] 'Antorbital fossa' [28] Orbitosphenoid [29] Alisphenoid [30] 'Sphenorbital fissure and foramen rotundum' [31] 'Presence of Accessory fenestrae' [32] 'Presence of dividing septa in maxillopalatine fenestrae' [33] 'Postglenoid foramen' [34] 'Morphology of the primary foramen ovale' [35] 'Morphology of the secondary foramen ovale' [36] 'Morphology of the ectotympanic' [37] 'Degree of inflation of the alisphenoid tympanic process' [38] 'Alisphenoid tympanic process shape' [39] 'Morphology of the rostral tympanic process of the petrosal' [40] 'Epitympanic recess' [41] 'Squamosal epitympanic sinus' [42] 'Supraoccipital shape' [43] 'Postorbital processes' [44] 'Left and right parietal suture' [45] 'Sagittal crest' [46] Interparietal [47] 'Lambdoid sesamoids' [48] 'Number of mental foramen' [49] 'Shape of I1' [50] 'Upper canine alveolus' [51] 'Relative height of P2 and P3' [52] 'Posterior crest of P3' [53] 'Relative height of p2 and p3' [54] 'Hypoconulid notch' [55] 'Relative position of hypoconid to protoconid on m3' [56] 'Posterior cingulid' [57] 'Shape of narial flange of premaxilla' [58] 'Position of lacrimal foramen' [59] 'Supraoccipital contribution to foramen magnum' [60] 'Shape of I2-4' [61] 'Shape of upper canine' [62] 'Lower molar crown height' [63] 'Position of the metacone' [64] 'Size of I3' [65] 'Lingual cusp presence on lower incisors' [66] 'Diastema between i3 and canine' [67] 'Shape of lower canine' [68] 'Size of upper or lower canine' [69] 'Diastema between C1 and P1' [70] 'Length of P1' [71] 'Anterior cusp of P1 and/or P2' [72] 'Diastema between P1 and P2' [73] 'Morphology of the central cusp of P1 and P2' [74] 'Relative length of P2 and P3' [75] 'Diastema between canine and p1' [76] 'Length of p1' [77] 'Anterior cusp of p1' [78] 'Anterior cusp of p2' [79] 'Diastema between p1 and p2' [80] 'Relative length of p2 and p3' [81] 'Anterior cusp of p3' [82] 'p3 major cusp development' [83] 'Reclining of p3' [84] 'Size of StA on M1' [85] 'Morphology of StB/C on M1' [86] 'Relative size of StB and StC on M1' [87] 'Connection of StB and StD on M1' [88] 'Posterior cingulum of M1' [89] 'Termination of postprotocrista on M1' [90] 'Position of metaconule on M1' [91] 'StD1 on M1' [92] 'StE on M1' [93] 'Anterior cingulum of M2' [94] 'Size of StA on M2' [95] 'Morphology of StB on M2' [96] 'Connection of StB and StD on M2' [97] 'Direction of preparacrista of M2' [98] 'Stylar crest on M2' [99] 'Posterior cingulum of M2' [100] 'Termination of postprotocrista on M2' [101] 'Position of metaconule on M2' [102] 'StC on M2' [103] 'StD1 on M2' [104] 'StE on M2' [105] 'Size of StA on M3' [106] 'Morphology of StB on M3' [107] 'Connection of StB and StD on M3' [108] 'Direction of preparacrista of M3' [109] 'Stylar crest on M3' [110] 'Termination of postprotocrista/posthypocrista on M3' [111] 'Position of metaconule on M3' [112] 'StC on M3' [113] 'StD1 on M3' [114] 'StE on M3' [115] 'Anterior cingulum of M4' [116] 'StB on M4' [117] 'Connection of StA and StB on M4' [118] 'Direction of preparacrista of M4' [119] 'Postparacrista of M4' [120] 'Termination of postprotocrista on M4' [121] 'Metacone on M4' [122] 'StC/D on M4' [123] 'Presence of protocone on M4' [124] 'Anterior cingulid on m1' [125] 'Hypoflexid on m1' [126] 'Shape of trigonid on m1' [127] 'Position of paraconid on m1' [128] 'Shape of unworn entoconid on m1-3' [129] 'Cristid obliqua termination on m1' [130] 'Posthypocristid direction on m1' [131] 'Connection of posthypocristid on m1' [132] 'Size of hypoconulid on m1' [133] 'Shape of trigonid on m2' [134] 'Cristid obliqua termination on m2' [135] 'Posthypocristid direction on m2' [136] 'Connection of posthypocristid on m2' [137] 'Size of hypoconulid on m2' [138] 'Shape of trigonid on m3' [139] 'Cristid obliqua termination on m3' [140] 'Posthypocristid direction on m3' [141] 'Connection of posthypocristid on m3' [142] 'Size of hypoconulid on m3' [143] 'Shape of trigonid on m4' [144] 'Preentocristid on m4' [145] 'Preentocristid orientation on m4' [146] 'Postentocristid on m4' [147] 'Postentocristid orientation on m4' [148] 'Cristid obliqua termination on m4' [149] 'Posthypocristid direction on m4' [150] 'Size of entoconid' [151] 'Size of hypoconulid on m4' [152] 'Buccal shelf on m4' [153] 'Presence of P3' [154] 'Presence of p3' [155] 'Presence of palatine fenestrae' [156] 'Presence of maxillary fenestrae' ; STATELABELS 1 'five incisors present' 'four incisors present (I5 lost)', 2 'absent' 'present', 3 'I5 similar in morphology to I1-4' 'I5 pointed and strongly canine-like' 'I5 is premolar like', 4 'no shelf' 'small/weakly developed shelf' 'well-developed lingual shelf' 'well-developed lingual shelf that extends to the buccal side of P3', 5 'P3 major cusp laterally compressed' 'P3 major cusp laterally enlarged but not conical' 'P3 major cusp large and conical, but P3 is narrower than M1' 'P3 Major cusp large and conical, and P3 is wider than M1', 6 'stylar crest present on StD connects to metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp not connected to the stylar crest running to the metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp and no stylar crest present', 7 'no anterior cingulum' 'small anterior cingulum lingual to anterior tip of tooth, no connection to talon' 'anterior cingulum enlarged and connects to talon as small shelf', 8 'no anterior cingulum' 'small anterior cingulum lingual to anterior tip of tooth' 'small anterior cingulum connected to protocone shelf by a small shelf' 'large anterior cingulum expanded further up to the protocone', 9 'preparacrista anterobuccally orientated to connect to anteriorly positioned StB' 'preparacrista buccally orientated (perpendicular to tooth row) then posterobuccally orientated' 'preparacrista posterobuccally orientated to connect to posteriorly located StB' 'preparacrista posterobuccally orientated to connect to StB and then reconnects with postparacrista posteriorly', 10 'absent' 'present' 'present and wide', 11 'postparacrista and premetacrista contact each other, forming a complete centrocrista that connects the paracone and metacone (more lingually)' 'postparacrista and premetacrista contact each other, forming a complete centrocrista that connects the paracone and metacone (more buccally)' 'postparacrista does not connect to the premetacrista and ends at the base of StB, premetacrista ends at base of StD', 12 'postparacrista and premetacrista contact each other, forming a complete centrocrista that connects the paracone and metacone (more lingually)' 'postparacrista and premetacrista contact each other, forming a complete centrocrista that connects the paracone and metacone (more buccally)' 'postparacrista does not connect to the premetacrista and ends at the base of StB, premetacrista ends at base of StD', 13 'i3 is unicuspid' 'i3 posterior cusp present but small' 'I3 posterior cusp present and large', 14 'p3 longer or equal in length to p2 ' 'p3 shorter than p2 ', 15 'present' 'absent', 16 'anteroposterior' 'oblique', 17 'no median buccal cusp present' 'median buccal cusp present', 18 'crown distinct from roots' 'crown and root indistinct (other than for limit of enamel)', 19 'hypoconulid positioned posterobuccal to the entoconid' 'hypoconulid positioned almost directly posterior to the entoconid', 20 'entoconid and hypoconid large, talonid relatively wide, crests clearly identifiable' 'entoconid and hypoconid smaller than in state 0, talonid smaller' 'further reduction of entoconid and hypoconid, talonid very small, crest poorly defined', 21 'premaxilla taller than it is long; maxilla-nasal contact longer than premaxilla-nasal contact (usually correlated with a relatively short snout)' 'premaxilla longer than it is tall; premaxilla-nasal contact longer than maxilla-nasal contact (usually correlated with a relatively elongate snout)', 22 'broad nasals' 'slender nasals, not markedly expanded posteriorly', 23 'posterior to the anterior rim of the orbit when viewed laterally' 'nasals terminate just anterior to the orbit when viewed laterally(associated with a wide maxilla-frontal suture)' 'nasals terminate well anterior to the anterior margin of the orbit', 24 'long infraorbital canal (longer than half the molar row)' 'short infraorbital canal (shorter or equal to half the molar row)', 25 'jugal invades the maxilla and extends onto the facial region of the skull (not bifid)' 'maxilla invades the zygomatic arch so that the jugal has two thin wings around the posterior maxillary flange (bifid)', 26 'lacrimal crest absent' 'partially developed lacrimal crest' 'fully developed lacrimal crest', 27 'antorbital fossa absent' 'weak or partial fossa development' 'very deep antorbital fossa', 28 'orbitosphenoid identifiable in lateral view as a large ossification' 'orbitosphenoid identifiable in lateral view as a small ossification' 'orbitosphenoid is very small or absent and not obvious in lateral view', 29 'alisphenoid-parietal contact' 'squamosal-frontal contact', 30 'sphenorbital fissure slightly larger than foramen rotundum. Both canals are tubelike in shape, especially the foramen rotundum' 'sphenorbital fissure is enlarged and more widely open, and there is a reduction in the length of the ''tube'' leading to the foramen rotundum' 'sphenorbital fissure is further enlarged and open, and there is no ''tube'' leading to the foramen rotundum, which instead appears', 31 'absent' 'present', 32 'septum present in maxillopalatine fenestrae' 'septum absent in maxillopalatine fenestrae', 33 'foramen bound by squamosal or squamosal and alisphenoid' 'foramen bounded medially by the petrosal', 34 'primary foramen ovale is between alisphenoid and petrosal' 'primary foramen ovale is entirely within the alisphenoid', 35 'secondary foramen ovale absent' 'secondary foramen ovale defined by a complete strut or bridge formed by the alisphenoid, but the primary foramen ovale is still visible' 'secondary foramen ovale present, and extensive ossification of the alisphenoid means that the primary foramen ovale is no longer visible in intact skulls', 36 'thin' 'somewhat thickened' 'further thickened' 'heavily thickened', 37 'alisphenoid tympanic process small, lateral and medial walls open' 'alisphenoid tympanic process largely open but medial wall enclosed greater than in state 0, and hypotympanic sinus is also enlarged relative to state 0' 'alisphenoid tympanic process and hypotympanic sinus further enlarged.relative to state 1; hypotympanic sinus walled posteriorly by the alisphenoid' 'alisphenoid tympanic process and hypotympanic sinus greatly hypertrophied', 38 'flattened' 'ventrally rounded, anterior boundary rounded does not extend as far as the transverse foramen or foramen ovale' 'ventrally rounded, anterior boundary pointed and extends as far as the transverse foramen' 'ventrally angular, anterior boundary pointed and terminates anterior to the transverse foramen', 39 'rostral tympanic process of the petrosal absent or very small' 'rostral tympanic process of the petrosal forms a distinct projecting process that partially walls the posteromedial margin of the hypotympanic sinus' 'rostral tympanic process of the petrosal further enlarged, forming elongate crestlike process that extends the length of the promontorium and forms posteromedial wall of the hypotympanic sinus; medial margin of petrosal overlaps basioccipital' 'ventral margin of the rostral tympanic process of the petrosal extends laterally and slightly dorsally, resulting in the formation of a distinct hypotympanic sinus within the rostral tympanic process itself' 'further dorsal extention of the ventral margin of the rostral tympanic process relative to state 3, resulting in lateral wall to the hypotympanic sinus within the process', 40 'poorly defined and shallow' 'wider and deeper than the plesiomorphic state but still relatively poorly defined' 'deep sinus with enclosing walls that is well distinguished from remainder of auditory cavity' 'wide and deep sinus that extends posterolaterally', 41 'absent' 'present, poorly defined' 'wide with high posterior wall' 'deep and round', 42 'supraoccipital about as tall as it is wide' 'supraoccipital taller than it is wide', 43 'absent or indistinct' 'present', 44 'median suture present' 'partially or completely co-ossified suture', 45 'no sagittal crest' 'sagittal crest small, not extending to frontals' 'sagittal crest large and extending to frontals', 46 'absent' 'present', 47 'absent' 'present', 48 'one mental foramen' 'two mental foramina' 'three or more mental foramina', 49 'styliform or chisel-like' 'mesiodistally expanded and flat-crowned', 50 'occupies premaxillary-maxillary suture' 'entirely contained within maxillary', 51 'P2 taller than P3' 'P2 and P3 subequal in height' 'P3 taller than P2', 52 'well-developed posterior cutting edge' 'lacking posterior cutting edge', 53 'p2 taller than p3' 'p2 and p3 subequal in height' 'p3 taller than p2', 54 'present in anterior cingulum of m2-4' 'absent', 55 'buccally salient to protoconid' 'subequal to protoconid' 'lingual to salient protoconid', 56 'absent' 'present', 57 'no distinct process' '''wing-like'' narial processes present', 58 'within lacrimal' 'within lacrimal-maxillary suture', 59 'contributes to superior margin of foramen magnum' 'exoccipitals contact each other medially, excluding the supraoccipital from the foramen magnum', 60 'rhomboidal crowns' 'mesiodistally expanded and flat-crowned', 61 'single-rooted unicuspid upper canine' 'accessory cusps are present on either side of the major cusp of C1', 62 'lower molars are as high on the buccal side as they are on the lingual side' 'lower molar height is significantly higher on buccal side than lingual side', 63 'metacone is directly posterior to the paracone' 'metacone is shifted lingually in relation to the paracone', 64 'I2-4 are the same size' 'I3 is larger than I2 and I4', 65 'present' 'absent', 66 'no diastema' 'diastema present', 67 'single-rooted unicuspid lower canine' 'accessory cusps are present on either side of the major cusp of c1', 68 'large, raised above premolars' 'small, about as high as premolars', 69 'no diastema' 'short, less than the length of P1' 'long, more than the length of P1', 70 'P1 is shorter than P2' 'P1 is as long as P2' 'P1 is longer than P2', 71 'tall distinct cusp' 'small remnant or no cusp', 72 'no diastema' 'short, less than the length of p1' 'long, more than the length of p1', 73 'central cusp is not inflated' 'central cusp is inflated widening the tooth anteriorly', 74 'P3 almost twice as long as P2' 'P2 shorter than P3' 'P2 and P3 subequal length' 'P2 longer than P3' 'P2 twice as long as P3', 75 'no diastemata' 'short, less than the length of p1' 'long, more than the length of p1', 76 'p1 is shorter than either p2 or p3' 'p1 is as long as p2 or p3', 77 'tall distinct cusp' 'none or small remnant', 78 'tall distinct cusp' 'none or small remnant', 79 'no diastemata' 'short, less than the length of p1' 'long, more than the length of p1', 80 'p3 almost twice as long as p2' 'p2 shorter than p3' 'p2 and p3 subequal length' 'p2 longer than P3', 81 'tall distinct cusp' 'none or small remnant', 82 'p3 major cusp laterally compressed' 'p3 major cusp very large', 83 'the anterior and posterior roots of p3 are level' 'the anterior root of p3 is more exposed than the posterior root, reclining p3 toward m1', 84 'StA is large, with a long crest running anteroposteriorly' 'StA is small, with a short or no crest running anteroposteriorly' 'StA remnant or no StA', 85 'no StC or StB' 'StB and StC are distinct cusps' 'StB and StC are fused and oval in shape connected by a stylar crest but clearly identifiable as separate cusp' 'StB and StC are fused and oval in shape connected by a stylar crest but difficult to clearly identify each cusp', 86 'StB larger than StC' 'StB subequal to StC' 'StC larger than StB', 87 'StB/C and StD are connected by a series of crests' 'StB/C and StD are not connected by any crests', 88 'absent' 'present' 'present and wide', 89 'postprotocrista ends on anterior flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on lingual flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on posterolingual flank of metacone ' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends posteriorly to the midpoint of the postmetacrista' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends at the lingual flank of the metastylar tip', 90 'metaconule is directly positioned at the base of the metacone' 'a small shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule' 'a larger shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule', 91 'present' 'absent', 92 'StE present as a distinct cusp' 'remnant of StE as a stylar crest or small cusp' 'no StE (no stylar crest)', 93 'no anterior cingulum' 'small anterior cingulum lingual to anterior tip of tooth' 'small anterior cingulum connected to protocone shelf by a small shelf' 'large anterior cingulum expanded further up to the protocone', 94 'StA is large, with a long crest running anteroposteriorly' 'StA is small, with a short or no crest running anteroposteriorly' 'no StA', 95 'StB is oval with a stylar crest running through it' 'StB is conical with no stylar crest connection', 96 'StB and StD are connected by a series of crests' 'StB and StD are not connected by any crests', 97 'preparacrista terminates at base of StB (no crest connection).' 'preparacrista terminates at the tip StB' 'preparacrista connects to StB with a weak connection to StA' 'preparacrista connects to parastylar tip/StA', 98 'stylar crest present on St D connects to metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp not connected to the stylar crest running to the metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp and no stylar crest present', 99 'absent' 'present' 'present and wide', 100 'postprotocrista ends on anterior flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on lingual flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on posterolingual flank of metacone ' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends posteriorly to the midpoint of the postmetacrista' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends at the lingual flank of the metastylar tip', 101 'metaconule is directly positioned at the base of the metacone' 'a small shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule' 'a larger shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule', 102 'Present as tall cusp' 'small remnant present' 'absent', 103 'present' 'absent', 104 'StE present as a distinct cusp' 'remnant of StE as a stylar crest' 'no StE (no stylar crest)', 105 'StA is large, with a long crest running anteroposteriorly' 'StA is small, with a short or no crest running anteroposteriorly' 'no StA', 106 'StB is oval with a stylar crest running through it' 'StB is conical with no stylar crest connection (except by wear)', 107 'StB and StD are connected by a series of crests' 'StB and StD are not connected by any crests', 108 'preparacrista terminates at base of StB (no crest connection)' 'preparacrista terminates at the tip StB. ' 'preparacrista connects a crest linking StA and StB' 'preparacrista connects to parastylar tip/StA', 109 'stylar crest present on StD connects to metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp not connected to the stylar crest running to the metastylar tip' 'StD is a conical cusp and no stylar crest present', 110 'postprotocrista ends on anterior flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on lingual flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista ends on posterolingual flank of metacone' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends posteriorly to the midpoint of the postmetacrista' 'postprotocrista joins with the posterior cingulum and ends at the lingual flank of the metastylar tip', 111 'metaconule is directly positioned at the base of the metacone' 'a small shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule' 'a larger shelf is between the base of the metacone and the metaconule', 112 'present as tall cusp' 'small remnant present' 'absent', 113 'present' 'absent', 114 'StE present as a distinct cusp' 'remnant of StE as a stylar crest' 'no StE (no stylar crest)', 115 'no anterior cingulum' 'small anterior cingulum lingual to anterior tip of tooth' 'small anterior cingulum connected to protocone shelf by a small shelf' 'large anterior cingulum expanded further up to the protocone', 116 'no StB' 'small StB' 'large StB', 117 'no connection' 'crest connecting the two cusps', 118 'preparacrista terminates StA' 'preparacrista terminates at the anterior flank of StB', 119 'postparacrista straight' 'postparacrista curves as a small centrocrista and ends just after the centrocrista', 120 'postprotocrista ends anterior to the most posterior end of the postparacrista' 'postprotocrista ends level with the most posterior end of the postparacrista' 'postprotocrista ends posterior to the most posterior end of the postparacrista', 121 'absent' 'small metacone raise above the postparacrista' 'large metacone expands the length of the tooth', 122 'absent' 'present', 123 'present' 'absent', 124 'absent or small remnant' 'present', 125 'absent' 'present', 126 'paraconid-metaconid distance is longer than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is as long as metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is shorter than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid highly reduced or absent', 127 'paraconid anterior to metaconid' 'paraconid anterobuccal to metaconid', 128 'oval' 'triangular (wider posteriorly than anteriorly)' 'conical', 129 'cristid obliqua terminates buccal to level with the protocone' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the protocone to the midpoint to the tooth width' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the midpoint of the tooth width', 130 'oblique to the tooth row axis' 'perpendicular to the tooth row axis', 131 'posthypocristid connects to hypoconulid' 'posthypocristid connects to base of entoconid when the tooth is unworn, but as the tooth wears down, a crest connects the tip of the entoconid to the posthypocristid', 132 'large distinct cusp' 'small cusp', 133 'paraconid-metaconid distance is longer than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is as long as metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is shorter than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid highly reduced or absent', 134 'cristid obliqua terminates buccal to the protocone' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the protocone about midpoint to the tooth width' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the midpoint of the tooth width', 135 'oblique to the tooth row axis' 'perpendicular to the tooth row axisp ', 136 'posthypocristid connects to hypoconulid' 'posthypocristid connects to entoconid', 137 'large distinct cusp' 'small cusp' 'hypoconulid absent', 138 'paraconid-metaconid distance is longer than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is as longer as metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is shorter than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid highly reduced or absent', 139 'cristid obliqua terminates buccal to the protocone' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the protocone about midpoint to the tooth width' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the midpoint of the tooth width', 140 'oblique to the tooth row axis' 'perpendicular to the tooth row axis', 141 'posthypocristid connects to hypoconulid' 'posthypocristid connects to entoconid', 142 'large distinct cusp' 'small cusp' 'hypoconulid absent', 143 'paraconid-metaconid distance is longer than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is as longer as metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid-metaconid distance is shorter than metaconid-protoconid distance' 'paraconid highly reduced or absent', 144 'present' 'absent', 145 'anteroposterior' 'oblique', 146 'absent' 'present', 147 'anteroposterior' 'oblique', 148 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the protocone about midpoint to the tooth width' 'cristid obliqua terminates lingual to the midpoint of the tooth width', 149 'oblique to the tooth row axis' 'perpendicular to the tooth row axis ' 'anteriorly orientated', 150 'large distinct cusp' 'small cusp' 'entoconid absent', 151 'large distinct cusp' 'small cusp' 'hypoconulid absent', 152 'buccal shelf end at buccal side of hypoconid' 'buccal shelf buccally reduced (hypoconid more buccal than shelf)', 153 'present' 'absent', 154 'present' 'Absent', 155 'absent' 'present', 156 'absent' 'present', ; MATRIX 'D. murgonensis' ???0002100 11?1000000 ?????????? ????????00 ?????????? ??1011???? ?00??????? ????---103 1000120010 1110000001 101100000? ?011211011 2101100000 0001000110 001000-000 0100?? 'M. archibaldi' 1-?0102100 00?0000001 0001020?0? 00001???20 101?210??1 211021???? ?00?????10 1101000002 1000100010 1111000001 1010101101 0010110011 100???00?? ???????110 001000-000 010000 'B. wangala' 1--0201100 00?1000000 0001020001 0000022120 211?210101 2100210010 0000??0010 0201001113 10000-0010 1211001001 0010101101 001110-011 2001000000 0000000010 000000-000 010000 'D. hallucatus' 1----021-0 ?00-000002 0001020000 0000022220 301?200201 ---0210010 0000000000 010-01000- ---20--010 1112011001 0111201021 0212110000 0000000000 0001000010 000000-002 111110 'D. byrnei' 1--0011100 ?01-000002 0001020001 0000012220 3010000101 00-0210000 1000001000 000401000- ---20-1110 1112011101 0211201111 021110-000 0001100000 0000011010 112000-001 210110 'P. tapoatafa' 1--0002201 ?011000002 0000020002 0000022220 2010010101 2000210000 0000000001 0002010103 1002100130 0122011013 0101200103 0211210000 0001100000 0001000010 000000-002 210000 'A. stuartii' 1--0012201 ?011000001 0000020002 0000022220 1010010201 2000210000 1000001000 0001011103 1001101130 1122011013 0111201123 0111210000 000(01)100000 0000000010 000000-001 110000 'S. macroura' 1--0001100 ?011000001 0000020011 0000013222 3010000201 2010210000 1000001000 0001010003 10000-1020 1111011002 0211201121 011110-000 00001000-0 0010000211 002000-001 210010 'C. ecaudatus' 00022200(02)0 22211-0011 1111122112 11(01)1113123 21010?1111 2021200(01)00 1101101121 0203000013 0000121011 1100113201 0211011320 0212010010 1000120210 0022000220 002000-100 200011 'M. lagotis' 0010120320 22211-1112 1111122010 (01)11?233333 3101(02)?1211 2021101101 0011110022 1103211113 100210100- 1230110200 -112211020 -112320112 0010130200 0031000310 0031-0-122 200010 'M. leucura' 0101220120 2221??0112 1111122010 11???33333 310?0?1211 2021001101 0011110022 0103211113 100110100- 1220110200 -212111020 -212220101 0010120201 0031100311 0021-0-122 200010 'I. australis' ?????????? ??????101? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1?0???? ?0???????? ?????0110? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0120201 0031000??? ?????????? ?????? 'P. broadbenti' 0111312220 (12)120000011 1111112210 00?01?0010 000?2?1110 2021000111 0001110120 0100100110 1000310011 0120011201 0200011321 021220-011 2000001000 0011000110 000000-100 200000 'P. raffrayana' 0112102130 2220000011 1110111210 0011100000 0001001110 1021000101 0001110120 0101101111 0000311021 0110012002 1201001321 1102111000 000(01)000000 0021000211 000000-100 200000 'M.longicauda' 0111000130 2220000012 1121111110 1001100010 0001001111 1001101001 1001110121 0101200013 1000311021 0110012102 1211011321 1212010000 1000000000 0011000211 0111-0-111 200000 'M. papuensis' 0111000130 2221000012 1121111110 10????00?? ?00?0?1?11 2001101001 0001111121 0203200023 1000311010 1110113001 1211011321 1212010010 1000000000 0011000210 0011-0-110 2000(01)0 'R. prattorum' 1--1202120 2220000011 1121101(12)11 00?111111? 000(01)001111 2021001(01)01 1001110120 0102201021 1000221021 0020113201 1202001321 1100010011 2000000000 0011000110 0001-0-100 100000 'E. clara' 1--1301130 ?220000012 1111112110 00?1101010 010?(02)?1111 2021101011 0001110020 1200201010 1100211010 1110011201 1202001221 1102211011 1000000000 0111001110 0101-0-101 100000 'E. davidi' 1--1201130 2220000011 11?111111? 00???0??1? 0?0?0?1111 20210010?1 1001110120 0201201111 0100311021 0110011202 1200011322 1110210001 1000000110 0111001210 0100010100 200000 'E. kalubu' 1--2102230 2220000012 1111111110 0001(12)01010 0101001111 2021001001 1001110120 0102201011 0000221021 0110013102 1101011312 1000210011 1000010110 0021000210 0101-0-101 200000 'E. rufescens' 1--1112230 2220000012 1111111210 00??201010 010?0?1111 2021001001 1001110120 0201201011 0000321021 0110013002 1201011322 1001(12)10011 210(01)000100 0021000210 0000111110 100000 'cf. P. tedfordi' ?????01120 22??00001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???100???? ?00??????? ?????????? 00?0321010 0110011101 1101011311 1211?????? ???0100010 0011000110 00???????? ?????? 'cf. P. sp.' ?????01?2? 2???00001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???100???? ?00??????? ?????????? ???0321010 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0100000 00?????211 10???????? ?????? 'I. auratus' 0112212312 2221??1111 1120121111 10??223242 310?0?1111 2021001001 0101111011 0112110013 0101221242 1020113124 2210011324 2212320011 1000121211 0021100211 012010-010 200010 'I. obesulus' 0112212312 2220011111 1111121111 (01)0??223242 310?(01)?1111 2021001001 010111(01)011 011211001(23) 0101221242 1020113124 2210011324 2212320011 (12)00(01)121211 0021100211 112010-010 2000(01)0 'I. macrourus' 0113222322 2220(01)11111 1111121111 (01)01?223242 3101201111 2021001001 01011110(12)1 0111110011 0101221242 1020113224 2210011324 2210320011 2100121201 0021100211 112010-000 2000(01)0 'P. nasuta' 0112112021 2220??1011 1120121212 01?1112121 110?(01)?1211 2021001001 0001111011 010120001(23) 0000321232 0100113112 22(01)0011322 2212010011 2(01)00110200 0021101211 1121-0-110 2100(01)0 'P. bougainville' 0111112020 2221??0012 1120122212 11??213121 210?0?1(12)11 2021001001 0001111021 0102210013 0000221022 1100113102 2211011321 2210010010 1000110200 0021101211 0121-0-111 200010 'P. gunnii' 0122222020 22211-0011 1120122212 1111113121 1101001111 2021001001 1001111021 0102200012 0000221022 1200013202 22(01)0011321 2210020000 2100110200 1021110211 1021-0-100 210010 'P. eremiana' 01?1112030 2221??0012 1120122212 10?1113121 110?0?1111 2021001001 000111?021 0202210013 0000211022 1100113102 2211011321 2212010010 1000110200 0021101211 0121-0-11? 200010 'P. sobbei' ???????0?0 22?0??0012 ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ??2110???? ?00??????? ????2??013 000??????? ??10113102 ?211011321 0212?????? ???0110201 1121111211 1121-0-111 20?0?? 'P. bowensis' ???22??1?0 22??01001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0?100???? ?00??????? ?????????? 0????????? ??10113202 221?011321 0212?????? ???0100210 00?????211 11???????? ?????? 'P. allinghamensis' ?????????? 2????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??20113202 221??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? 'Y. burchfieldi' ???1002120 11201-0012 ?100111000 1?100???21 000?2?11?1 ?02120?10? 000?1000?? ????001002 1010320010 1110003001 0111000311 021110-000 0001100200 0000000010 0011-0-112 200000 'Y. kida' ?????02120 11??000012 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???120???? ?00??????? ?????????? ???0321010 1110003001 0111000321 0211110000 0001100000 0000000010 0011-0-112 20???? 'G. speciosus' 00?1202210 (12)2?0000011 0101111000 00100???11 100?2?11?1 202100000? 000???0000 0101001101 1110310131 1120003002 1211010322 1211210000 0000100010 0011000210 002000-110 200000 'G. grandis' ?????02201 11??000011 ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ??2110???? ?00???00?? ????101111 1110320131 1120003013 1211000322 1201?????? ???0100010 0011000110 000000-100 10?0?? 'G. amplus' ???1202210 22??000011 ?101111??? 10???????? ??0?2??1?1 ?02100?0?? 000???0010 ?2??101111 1110320131 1120013002 1211011322 121020-000 0001111010 0021100211 0021-0-110 200000 'G. adversus' ?????02210 21???????? ???11?1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?00??????? ?????????? ???0310110 1120013011 0211011321 0211210000 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? 'B. palara' ???1001120 (12)221000011 ?1001?1000 10?00?1121 100?0?1(12)?? 2021(01)0??0? 0?0?1000?0 1101101003 00102(02)0011 011000(13)001 1101001321 11121(01)0000 100(01)100(01)00 0021000211 (01)01000-010 200000 'B. muirheadae' ?????01110 11??000011 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???100???? ??0??????? ?????????? ???0221010 0110010001 0101001311 0110?????? ???1100000 0020000211 0010010000 10???? 'B. campbelli' ???????1?0 ?2??000011 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???100???? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????001321 111??????? ???11?0(01)00 0?21000211 0010010100 10???? ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE=UNORD POLYTCOUNT=MINSTEPS; TYPESET * default = ORD: 4 - 13 20 23 26 - 28 30 35 - 37 39 45 48 51 53 55 69 - 72 74 - 75 79 - 80 84 86 88 - 90 92 - 94 97 - 102 104 - 105 108 - 112 114 - 116 120 - 121 126 129 133 - 134 137 - 139 142 - 143 149 - 151; ENDBLOCK;