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FIGURE 1. Location of the type locality Frunzovka 2, near Zakharivka (former Frunzovka) village, Odessa region, Ukraine.



FIGURE 2. Dental terminology used in this paper (after Zazhigin and Lopatin, 2000a). Upper dentition: 1, anterostyle; 2, anteroloph I; 3, anteroloph II; 4, anterocone; 5, anterior arm of the protocone; 6, protocone; 7, protostyle; 8, posterior arm of the protocone; 9, anterior endoloph; 10, mesocone; 11, endosinus; 12, endostyle; 13 , posterior endoloph; 14, hypocone; 15, posterior arm of the hypocone; 16, lingual arm of the posteroloph; 17, the metaconule; 18, labial arm of the posteroloph; 19, posterofossette; 20, metaloph II; 21, metaloph I; 22, metacone; 23, mesofossette; 24, mesoloph; 25, mesostyle; 26, protoloph II; 27, protoloph I; 28, paracone; 29, anterofossette. Lower dentition: 30, anteroconid; 31, labial arm of the anterolophid; 32, lingual arm of the anterolophid; 33, anterolophulid; 34, anterosinusid; 35, anterior arm of the protoconid; 36, metalophid I; 37, protoconid; 38, posterior arm of the protoconid; 39, metalophid II; 40, ectolophid; 41, mesoconid; 42, ectomesolophid; 43, ectostylid; 44, ectosinusid; 45, anterior arm of the hypoconid; 46, hypoconid; 47, posterior arm of the hypoconid; 48, hypoconulid; 49, labial arm of the posterolophid; 50, posterolophid; 51, posterofossettid; 52, entoconid; 53, anterior arm of the entoconid; 54, mesofossettid; 55, mesolophid; 56, mesostylid; 57, endolophid; 58, metastylid crest; 59, metaconid; 60, anterior arm of the metaconid; 61, anterofossettid; 62, cingulid.



FIGURE 3. Molars of Allactaga fru sp. nov. in occlusal views, Frunzovka 2 locality, southern Ukraine, late Miocene (MN 11). 1, holotype, left M1 (NMNHU-P 41/5549); 2-5, left M1 (NMNHU-P 41/5550-5553). 6-7, left M2 (NMNHU-P 41/5557-5558). 8, right M2 (NMNHU-P 41/5566). 9-10, left m1 (NMNHU-P 41/5567-5568). 11-14, right m1 (NMNHU-P 41/5570-5573). 15-16, left m2 (NMNHU-P 41/5577-5578). 17, right m2 (NMNHU-P 41/5580). 18-20, right m3 (NMNHU-P 41/5584-5586). 21, left P4 (NMNHU-P 41/5548).
