Alessandro Grippo
California State University Northridge
Department of Geological Sciences
Northridge, CA 91330-8266

Alessandro was born in Bologna, a city in northern Italy founded by the Etruscans quite some years before the arrival of the Romans. After some childhood years spent in Varese, in the Lombard Prealps, he went back to his native city, where he obtained his M.S. in Geological Sciences. Soon after that, he started working as an oil geologist for ENI-AGIP, at first as a wellsite geologist, in Sicily, and later as an exploration geologist in Milan. In 1994 he quitted his job, ready to face another challenge, to start his Ph.D. studies at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, where he expects to take his degree by the end of 2000.

During his career, Alessandro almost always dealt with stratigraphy and sedimentology, starting to work with the turbidites of the Northern Apennines during the Bologna years. Later on, during the oil industry years, geophysics applied to the sedimentary successions of Italy have been his main interest. Finally, pelagic carbonates and their rhythmic signal have attracted his attention during the California years.

At present, his interests include the study of cyclic climate changes that occurred with different time frequencies, as caused possibly by variations of the orbital parameters, and the detections of these changes in sedimentary rocks of different type; the development and use of advanced image analysis techniques for geologic studies; the use of cyclostratigraphy as a tool for chronostratigraphic studies; the fractal aspects of geology.

Alessandro likes to read, from fiction (he is in love with Cormack McCarthy's books) to history and nature, and he also likes to write; other hobbies include photography, travel and biking. He is also deeply in love (actually, it was love at first sight) with the American West, its landscapes, its nature, its history, its people. His dream of a reality escape is to explore some deep lost canyon in southern Utah.

Photo: Alessandro in Olympic National Park, Washington.

in Italiano