Our Readers Write to Us (and we respond)

A search option would be useful [addition to the PE website].

It's very refreshing to find a scientific journal on the web that doesn't require a subscription. As an honours student at the University of Western Australia, I require palaeontological information for my thesis. Subscribing to journals is not really an option for a student and having the opportunity to read yours is great. The information will be a valuable backdrop to my thesis.

Lisa Meldrum

PE Note: There is a search engine available. You can find it in each issue in the navigation column on the left, under HELP. The direct URL is: http://palaeo-electronica.org/search.html

One of the problems with having donated mirror sites (which PE is very thankful for) is that not all of them run the same systems and software. The home site in Texas (palaeo-electronic.org) does maintain a site search. If you access the search engine from one of the mirror sites (England, Spain, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, or other sites in the U.S.) you will actually be searching the Texas site.

We're glad you found us, and happy to support palaeontological research around the world.

The new issue of Palaeontologia Electronica (PE) is very good. I am just ordering the CD-ROM disk with vols 3 and vols. 1 and 2 (good bonus and good idea!). Many thanks for notified it, and for your time and dedication!

Best wishes from Covadonga and myself, Fernando

PS. Great the cartoon from Timothy Patterson!

Fernando Alvarez
Departamento de Geologia
Universidad de Oviedo

PE Note: The cartoon was drawn by one of Tim's students, Catherine Friedl.

The new issue of PE is absolutely terrific! The addition of the "voice abstract" is an especially nice feature for those who concentrate more on the verbal than the written. Thanks for doing such a great job for the profession.

Dave (retired, University of Wisconsin)
Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Copyright: Palaeontologia Electronica, 22 June 2001