Simple statistics |
Univariate statistics
Typical application | Assumptions | Data needed |
Quick statistical description of a univariate sample | None, but variance and standard deviation are most meaningful for normally distributed data | Single column of measured or counted data |
Displays the following statistics: Number of entries (N), smallest value (Min), largest value (Max), mean value (Mean), population variance (that is, the variance of the population estimated from the sample), sample variance (actual variance of just the sample), population and sample standard deviations (square roots of variance), median, skewness (positive for a tail to the right) and kurtosis (positive for a peaked distribution).
Diversity statistics
Typical application | Assumptions | Data needed |
Quantifying taxonomical diversity in samples | Representative samples | One or more columns, each containing counts of individuals of different taxa down the rows |
These statistics apply to association data, where number of individuals are tabulated in rows (taxa) and possibly several columns (associations). The available statistics are as follows, for each association:
Many of these indices are explained in Harper (1999).
Typical application | Assumptions | Data needed |
Comparing taxonomical diversity in samples of different sizes | ? | Single column of counts of individuals of different taxa |
Given a column of abundance data for a number of taxa, this module
estimates how many taxa you would expect to find in a sample with
a smaller total number of individuals. With this method, you can compare
the number of taxa in samples of different size. Using rarefaction
analysis on your largest sample, you can read out the number
of expected taxa for any smaller sample size (including that of the
smallest sample).
The algorithm is from Krebs (1989).
An example application in paleontology can be found in
Adrain et al. (2000).