1826 Biloculina depressa d'Orbigny: p. 298.
2000 Biloculinella depressa (d'Orbigny): Murray, p. 44.
Rare living precludes determination of habitat.
1939 Ophthalmidium balkwilli Macfadyen: p. 166, text-fig. 2.
1981 Cornuloculina balkwilli (Macfadyen); Sturrock and Murray: p. 253.
Rare dead. Considered by Sturrock and Murray (1981) to be epifaunal, attached but also able to move freely.
1850 Operculina involvens Reuss: p. 370, pl. 46, figs 20a, b.
1994 Cornuspira involvens (Reuss); Jones: p. 26, pl. 11, figs.. 1-3.
Infaunal. Exceptionally abundant living megalospheric individuals in one sample from Stanton Deep; this is presumed to be a bloom (Murray, in press).
Heron-Allen and Earland (1916) also commented on the greater abundance of megalospheric tests.
1803 Vermiculum subrotundum Montagu: p. 521. Figured by Walker and Boys (1784), pl. 1, fig. 4.
1973 Miliolinella subrotunda (Montagu); Haynes: p. 36, pl. 5, figs 5, 6, 12; pl. 32, figs 8, 9; text-fig. 11, nos 1-4; text-fig. 12, nos 1-11.
Probably epifaunal but occurs in top 0.5 cm of sediment.
1923 Biloculina williamsoni Silvestri: p. 73. Figured by Williamson (1858), as Biloculina ringens typica, pl. 6, figs 169-170.
1973 Pyrgo williamsoni (Silvestri); Haynes: p. 61, text-fig. 14, nos 1-3.
Dead only.
1876 Quinqueloculina lata Terquem: p. 82, pl. 11, figs 8a-c.
Dead only.
1758 Serpula seminula Linné: p. 786. Figured by Plancus (1739), pl. 2, fig. 1a-c.
1973 Quinqueloculina seminulum (Linné); Haynes: p. 74, pl. 7, figs 14, 19; pl. 8, figs 1-3; text-fig. 18, nos 1-4.
1846 Spiroloculina excavata d'Orbigny: p. 271, pl. 16, figs 19-21.
Dead only.