Genus SORITES Ehrenberg, 1839
Sorites marginalis (Lamarck), 1816
Figure 5.5
v. 1816 Orbutiles marginalis Lamarck, 1816, p. 196.
v. 1883 Orbitolites marginalis (Lamarck). Carpenter, 1883, p. 560, fig. 1.
v. 1930 Sorites marginalis (Lamarck). Cushman, 1930, p. 49, pl. 18, figs. 1-4. Bock, 1971, p. 36, pl. 14, figs. 5, 6.
This species is called Amphisorus hemprichii by many authors (such as Wantland, 1975). It occurs in lagoons of Bermuda and Florida-Bahamas, in backreefs and reefs of St. Lucia and Cuba, and in forereefs, and inner and outer shelf of the Belize Shelf.