Figure 8. Dendrogram of similarity between suture patterns, based on Euclidean distance between points representing the sutures in multidimensional space. Related taxa are coded by colored boxes: douvilleiceratids - white with black border, bactritids - yellow, agoniatitids - green, Scaphites  - red, and Strenoceras - blue.

Cyrtobactrites (Cyrt) and Mimagoniatites (Mima), Chelinoceras (Chel), Douvilleiceras (Douv), Hamites (Hami), Leptoceras (Lept), Paraspiticeras (Para), Scaphites (Scap), and Strenoceras (Stren). The numbers after Scaphites and Strenoceras refer to the position in the ontogenetic series with 1 being earliest.