R.P. Guralnick
Curator and Asst. Professor
University of Colorado Museum and Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0265
Guralnick was born in a cave and raised by wolves in suburban San Diego, CA. At
least the cave was near the beach, which is also where he spent a lot of his
time while growing-up. As soon as he was able, he left San Diego to seek his
fortunes in the northern part of California. He was slowly civilized during his
eleven years in Berkeley, California where he miraculously managed to receive a
Bachelors and PhD at the local university there. Rob considers himself something
of a polyglot - much of his work focuses on understanding evolution and
development of organisms in the context of environmental change. He is also
quite interested in informatics and meta-analysis approaches to understanding
biodiversity change - again in the context of environmental change. He is now an
Assistant Professor and Curator at the University of Colorado Museum and the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Despite his best efforts to
convince his students to work on molluscs, some insist on examining animals in a
small, low diversity clade of Chordates called vertebrates.