Table 2. Comparison of fossil productivity (Pf), based on biostratigraphic survey data, and numbers of localities.   Data from Table 1A were consolidated into 13 100 kyr time intervals to match the data for localities (Barry et al. 2002).  See also Figure 8.

Survey Level Age
NISPV / Search Hour Formal Localities
KL07 7.3 4.88 14
KL09+KL10 7.6 3.97 2
KL08 7.7 7.52 5
KL11+KL21 7.9 10.86 35
KL12 8.5 14.78 14
ML05+KL16 8.7 12.43 19
KL02+KL14+ML06 8.8 8.10 14
DK01+KL13 9.0 7.53 14
KL01 9.2 13.38 30
KL03 9.3 9.29 52
KL05+06 9.5 11.37 10
KL04+KL20 9.7 10.05 8
RK01-2+DH01-2 10.3 8.50 10
Total      227