Jussi T. Eronen
Department of Geology
University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 64
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

I received my M.S. degree in Geology and Paleontology from University of Helsinki in 2003. At the moment I'm pursuing PhD degree at the University of Helsinki (Department of Geology and partly in Institute of Biotechnology), working as a researcher in Academy of Finland project Eurasian Land Mammals in Deep Time: Environment, Climate, and Evolutionary Dynamics.

My thesis focuses on the evolution and dynamics of herbivore large mammal communities in the deep time of Eurasia. The time-scale involved is from the beginning of Miocene to the end of Pliocene (circa 23-1,8 Ma ago). The main work focuses on middle and late Miocene large mammal communities of Europe, although I try to include comparisons in the Eurasian scale.

My main interests are following:
Ecomorphology of fossil mammals
Mammalian teeth and their development process
The community structure of fossil mammal communities
Ecosystem dynamics during Neogene (last 25 million years)
Plant - herbivore interactions during Neogene