This article is dedicated to the life and scientific achievements of William R. Downs, III, who helped all of paleontology through his extensive field and laboratory activities and by freely providing translations of Chinese papers to all who needed them. We appreciate the help of and discussions with W.A. Akersten, J. Barry, C.J. Bell, N. Czaplewski, D. Diveley, W. Downs, R. Fisher, V. Geist, A. Gentry, C.N. Jass, E.H. Lindsay, J. Meng, C. Norris, C.A. Repenning, C. Shaw, R. Tedford, and R. White. Thanks to reviews by L.J. Flynn and L.L. Jacobs, this paper was improved significantly. We thank D. Dyer (University of Montana) and R. White (International Wildlife Museum) for the loan of comparative skeletons. We thank L. Flynn and personnel of the Institute of Paleoanthropology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing for obtaining a cast of Sinocapra. We appreciate the permission of G. Schaller to use the line drawing of living caprines from his book Mountain Monarchs (University of Chicago Press). We thank S. Swift and M. Carpenter for providing the line drawings.