Ian Miller
Museum of Nature and Science
2001 Colorado Blvd.
Denver, CO 80205-5798
nearly feral in rural Washington, Ian Miller first discovered geology while
scavenging mine tailings for fool’s gold and pulling clams out of road cuts. Ian
attended Colorado College as an undergraduate and did his first paleobotanical
work with Kirk Johnson. After a two-year stint as a field geologist with a New
Mexico geotechnical engineering firm, Ian felt the academic siren’s call and
headed off to Yale University, where he studied paleobotany and tectonics with
Leo Hickey and Mark Brandon. He is currently entertaining the interest of
several Hollywood executives for a major motion picture adaptation of his
thesis, a treatise on paleobotanical proxies for paleolatitude and other fancy
stuff. Having come full circle, Ian is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Denver
Museum of Nature and Science with Kirk Johnson. His principle interests are in
the wildly popular -ologies of paleobotanical proxies for and statistical
analysis of paleoclimate, paleolatitude and paleoelevation; the evolutionary
history and ecological radiation of Cretaceous angiosperms; taxonomic analysis
and nomenclature of whole Late Mesozoic floras; and tectonic evolution of the
Western Cordillera of North America. When not digging fossils or scheming new
quarries, he can be found fishing, skiing, or hiking Colorado’s mountains.