Belemnites of Uncertain Affinity

The following specimens cannot be identified at the generic level. Brief descriptions are included to complete the record.

Specimens UTGD87347b (Locality Q13).

Two apical fragments, each c. 45 mm long, both with what appear to be very wide shallow grooves extending to near the apex (cf. UTGD87220a). One 60 mm fragment of stem and part of the ?apical region with no visible grooves. One flank of the specimen is concealed.

Specimen UTGD87347d (Q13).

One apical fragment 30 mm long, one flank preserved, no groove or lateral lines visible.

Specimen UTGD87361d (Q15).

One apical fragment 35 mm long. All surfaces are visible. No groove is visible but what appear to be faint, ventrolaterally placed lateral lines are present on one flank. Cross section appears compressed.

Specimens UTGD87220a (Q4).

A latex slab with parts of 18 poorly preserved specimens. Both apical and anterior fragments are present. The specimens include:

1. Two small ?anterior fragments with Belemnopsis or possibly Hibolithes-type ventral grooves; two partial specimens 40–50 mm long, both including the apex, with what appear to be either (1), very wide, shallow surface grooves extending over much of the fragment (cf. UTGD87347b), or (2), eroded lateral lines, or (3), ventrolateral apical grooves extending down the guard.

2. One apical fragment 45 mm long, with an inflated ventral surface and a compressed cross section. No grooves or lateral lines visible. Two large anterior fragments. One is 35 mm long and preserved with one flank visible, the other 10 mm long and preserved in the round. Both are 10–12 mm in diameter and both lack surface grooves. The shorter fragment is strongly laterally compressed.

Specimens UTGD87293b (Q10).

Two partial casts of apical regions, each with one flank visible, both c. 35 mm long. Both are ventrally inflated. No surface grooves visible.

Specimen UTGD87308b (Q10).

One apical fragment 40 mm long, maximum diameter c. 8.5 mm, ventral surface appears inflated. What appear to be faint lateral lines present on posterior mid flank. Cross section ?compressed.

Specimen UTGD87285a (Q6).

One apical fragment 35 mm long, c. 6 mm in maximum diameter. A possible short ventrolateral apical depression, continued anteriorly as faint lateral lines, is present. Possibly a passaloteuthid.

Specimen UTGD87267b (Q10).

One apical fragment 40 mm long and c. 9 mm in maximum diameter, with one flank exposed. Ventrally(?) placed lateral lines visible over much of fragment.

Specimen R.7519.17.4.

A small sagittally hastate(?) specimen c. 20 mm long and 5 mm in maximum diameter, one flank of which is exposed. No ventral or other groove is visible. A conical structure, partially detached from the anterior end, may be a cast of part of the alveolus.

Specimens R.7508 13.8, R.7508.15.35.

A number of small specimens lying parallel to a bedding plane. A second larger, juvenile(?) specimen, consisting of an apical and stem fragment. No surface grooves visible, but their general appearance suggests Hibolithes.