Figure 12. (1) Leaf morphotype RH10, USNM 535061, showing elliptic, narrow blade with entire margin and acute base and apex. Scale bar equals 1 cm. (2) Leaf morphotype RH11, USNM 535062, showing large, blunt, widely spaced, semitriangular Inset for teeth with concave flanks. Scale bar equals 1 cm. (3) Inset for details of teeth. Scale bar equals 2 mm. (4) Leaf morphotype RH18, USNM 535067, showing basally eucamptodromous and apically brochidodromous secondary venation and well-developed, opposite percurrent tertiary veins. Scale bar equals 1 cm. (5-6) Leaf morphotype RH17, USNM 535066. (5) Complete specimen, scale bar equals 1 cm. (6) Detail, scale bar equals 1 mm, of RH17, showing thin, brochidodromous secondary veins and random reticulate tertiary veins.