Figure 9. (1-2) Rhus sp., USNM 535057. (1) Complete specimen showing compound teeth, strong but irregularly spaced secondaries and intersecondaries, branching of secondaries near margin, and terminations of secondaries in tooth sinuses and apices. Scale bar equals 1 cm. (2) Inset for detail of teeth and venation at margin. Scale bar equals 1 mm. (3) Leaf morphotype RH15, USNM 535064, showing asymmetrical base and irregularly spaced secondaries with different divergence angles on either side of midvein. Scale bar equals 1 cm. (4) Leaf morphotype RH16, USNM 535065, showing wide midvein, markedly decurrent secondary veins, and intersecondary veins between each set of secondary veins. Scale bar equals 1 cm.