Figure 2. Line drawings of Vastangama susani gen.et sp.nov. IITR/SB/VLM/793, left dentary, 1. medial view, 2. lateral view. IITR/SB/VLM/1050, left dentary, 3. medial view, 4. lateral view. Hatched area marks broken areas on the bone. Scale bar equals 1 mm. Abbreviations: an.ft. - angular facet, a.p.t. - anterior pleurodont teeth, a.t. - acrodont teeth, e.r. - eroded ridge of hatchling teeth, mk.f. - Meckelian fossa, n.f. - nutrient foramina, p.a.t. - pleuroacrodont teeth, sd.r. - subdental ridge, sy. - symphysial surface, w.f.-wear facets.