Figure 11. Reconstructed jaw muscle anatomy of Edmontosaurus. 1, Left, lateral view of skull with muscle attachment surfaces; 2, Medial view of left half of skull with muscle attachment surfaces; 3, Caudal view of skull with muscle attachment surfaces; 4, Left, lateral view of skull with reconstructed superficial jaw muscles; 5, Left, lateral view of skull with reconstructed deep jaw muscles; 6, Medial view of left half of skull with reconstructed jaw muscles; 7, Caudal view of skull with reconstructed jaw muscles. Abbreviations: mAMEM, Adductor mandibulae externus medialis; mAMEP, Adductor mandibulae externus profundus; mAMES, Adductor mandibulae externus superficialis; mAMP, Adductor mandibulae posterior; mDM, Depressor mandibulae; mLPt, Levator pterygoideus; mPPt, Protractor pterygoideus; mPSTp, Pseudotemporalis profundus; mPSTs, Pseudotemporalis superficialis; mPTd, Pterygoideus dorsalis; mPTv, Pterygoideus ventralis.