Figure 45. Chondrite normalized rare-earth-element patterns of fossil bone samples, 45.1 Ojo Alamo Sandstone, 45.2 Kirtland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Values used in normalization: La = 0.311, Ce = 0.813, Nd = 0.603, Sm = 0.196, Eu = .074, Gd = 0.26, Tb = 0.047, Ho = 0.0718, Tm = .0326, Yb = 0.21 and Lu = 0.0323, derived from multiplying 1.32 times C1 values of Anders and Grevesse (1989) to correct to a volatile-free basis. Sample localities shown on Figure 1, Figure 4, and Figure 11. Specimen numbers keyed to Table 2 and Table 3. Dashed lines show patterns for new samples; solid lines show patterns for samples from Fassett et al. (2002). REE patterns for samples 110803-B (purple) and 072598-6C (green) are anomalous, as discussed in text. Colors are used to improve readability and to broadly subdivide samples according to total REE content.