APPENDIXSample Localities
SJS 685 McCloud Limestone in 1st major roadcut in limestone south of McCloud River bridge on west side of McCloud Reservoir, Eastern Klamath terrane, Shasta County, California, 122º34.58'W, 41º7.76'N. Collected by C.H. Stevens, 1976. Location 2 (Figure 3). SJS 833 Clast from Jurassic conglomerate on south side of U.S. Highway 50, 300 m west of turnoff onto Greenstone Road west of Placerville, Eldorado County, California, 120º54.08'W, 38º41.40'N. Presumed to have been derived from nearby Central Belt of Northern Sierra Nevada. Collected by Phillip Burnham, 1977. Location 4 (Figure 3). SJS 863 Thin limestone bed in Happy Creek volcanic series about 700 m due south of hill 4704 in extreme northeast corner of T.42N., R.32E., near Quinn River Crossing, Humboldt County, Nevada, 118º24.9'W, 41º31.8'N. Bilk Creek terrane. Associated with Cuniculinella fusiformis, a species representing McCloud fusulinid zone F of Skinner and Wilde (1965). Collected by Keith Ketner, ~1977. Location 6 (Figure 3). SJS 897 Near stratigraphic top of limestone mass near Quinn River Crossing, Humboldt County, Nevada. Bilk Creek terrane. Location similar to SJS 863. Collected by C.H. Stevens, 1982. Location 6 (Figure 3). SJS 1014 About 1/2 way up west side of a limestone hill called McGregor Hill on the north side of Ida Lake NW1/4 sec.16, Tp.20, R.16W, Kamloops Lake quadrangle, British Columbia, Canada, 120º7.2'W, 50º44.46'W. Quesnel terrane, Harper Ranch subterrane. Associated with Pseudoschwagerina, which occurs in fusulinid zone E of Skinner and Wilde (1965). Collected by Ted Danner, letter dated 1985. Location 7 (Figure 4). SJS 1015 Same locality as SJS 1014. Collected by Ted Danner, letter dated 1985. Location 7 (Figure 4). SJS 1022 Block in melange immediately east of Melones fault zone, S1/2 SE1/4 sec.33, T.24N., R.9E., approximately 5 km southwest of Quincy, Plumas County, California, 120º54.08'W, 39º54.28'N. Presumed to be derived from nearby Central Belt of Northern Sierra Nevada. Collected by Larry Standlee, 1985. Location 5 (Figure 3). SJS 1032 Limestone block in debris flow near center W1/2 sec.17, on bank of Oroville Lake, Cherokee 7 1/2 minute quadrangle, Butte County, California, 121º33.25'W. 39º40.2'N. Central Belt of Northern Sierra Nevada. Collected by Rodney Watkins, 1986. Location 3 (Figure 3). SJS 1034 On road near McCloud Reservoir, nearest outcrop of McCloud Limestone to dam on south side of now flooded Battle Creek. Shoeinhorse Mountain quadrangle, Shasta County, California, 122º15.3'W, 40º55.9'N. Eastern Klamath terrane. Collected by C.H. Stevens, 1984. Location 1 (Figure 3). SJS 1045 Same locality as SJS 1032. Collected by Rodney Watkins, 1987. Location 3 (Figure 3). SJS 1066. Limestone mass near Quinn River Crossing, Humboldt County, Nevada. Bilk Creek terrane. Similar location to SJS 863. Collected by Elizabeth Jones, 1988. Location 6 (Figure 3). SJS 1080 Limestone boulder in phyllitic matrix near Parish Camp near Lake Oroville, Butte County, California. Central Belt of Northern Sierra Nevada. Exact location uncertain, near SJS 1032. Collected by Gregg Griffin, 1988. Location 3 (Figure 3). SJS 1085 Little limestone knob east of the major limestone outcrop near Quinn River Crossing, Humboldt County, Nevada. Bilk Creek terrane. Similar location to SJS 863. Collected by Elizabeth Jones, 1989. Location 6 (Figure 3). SJS 1088 Little hill east of Quinn River crossing. Location similar to SJS 863. Collected by R. Hanger, 1989 and E. Jones, 1990. Location 6 (Figure 3). SJS 1294 Same locality as SJS 1032. Collected by Rodney Watkins, 1986. Location 3 (Figure 3).