TABLE 3. Variation in reports regarding the presence absence and extent of the M. Protractor Pterygoidei and m. Levator Pterygoidei.

m. Protractor Pterygoidei
m. Levator Pterygoidei
Günther (1867)
not mentioned not mentioned
Osawa (1898) not mentioned not mentioned
Edgeworth (1907, 1931, 1935) referred to as the ?. spheno-pterygo-quadratus? Reported as present in juveniles and usually retained in the adult not mentioned
Versluys (1910, 1912) present in juveniles and usually retained in the adult not mentioned
Adams (1919) absent not mentioned
Byerly (1925) not mentioned not mentioned
Lakjer (1926) well developed reported as absent but seems to have been figured
Lubosch (1933) not mentioned present (but referred to as the "M. levator bulbi ventralis")
Poglayen-Neuwall (1953) absent present
Ostrom (1962) considered present ?nd functional?in one specimen but absent in another present in both specimens examined
Haas (1973) present in one specimen, absent in another present in both specimens examined
Wu (2003) present but small present
Peter Johnson personal communication 2008 present (on both sides of all 4 specimens examined) not mentioned