FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic diagram charting the evolution of the major bovid clades. Solid numbered circles represent fossils assignable to crown or stem groups, while open circles represent fossil taxa of potential phylogenetic affinity. Numbers refer to the following: 1, Eotragus artenensis, Eotragus noyei, Eotragus minus; 2, Eotragus noyei, Vihowa Bovidae indet.; 3, Pseudoeotragus seegrabensis; 4, Eotragus sansaniensis; 5, Caprotragoides, Gentrytragus, Tethytragus; 6, Fort Ternan Gazella sp.; 7, Ngorora 'Pachytragus aff. solignaci'; 8, Pachytragus solignaci; 9, Djebel Krechem Hippotragini? indet.; 10, Selenoportax; 11, Pheraios chryssomallos; 12, Siwalik Reduncini; 13, Protoryx/Pachytragus; 14, Lothagam Reduncini; 15, Lothagam Aepyceros; 16, Lothagam Alcelaphini; 17, Toros Menalla & Lothagam Hippotragini; 18, Lukeino Tragelaphus cf. spekii; 19, Omo & Koobi Fora Aepyceros melampus. Bovid silhouettes adapted from Kingdon (1982).