Stefan Liebau, born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1973, studied human medicine at the University of Ulm. After his state examination in 2000, he started his research in the research group of PD Dr. Alexander Storch at the neurological clinic (director: Prof. Dr. A. C. Ludolph). The research of this group focussed on motile disorders. In 2002, Stefan got his approbation in humane medicine, followed by his PhD in 2005. Since 2004 he is working as researcher at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology in the research group of Prof. Dr. T. M. Böckers. Stefan is scientifically mainly interested in stem cell biology, function of ion channels in stem cells, neuronal differentiation and synaptogenesis. Furthermore, he advises researchers from cooperating groups of the University of Ulm how to use the microscopical equipment of Prof. Böckers’ research group. |