Figure 11. Compressions and impressions of Cynometra leaflets and Typha seeds from Late Oligocene volcaniclastic strata in the Margargaria River localities, northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. 11.1 General view of a slightly oblong Cynometra leaflet. Note oblique asymmetric base and emarginate apex. CH-79-110. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm. 11.2 Detail of Cynometra leaflet base showing pulvinate short petiolule. CH-79-92A. Scale bar equals 0.1 cm. 11.3 Detail of Cynometra leaflet brochiodromus venation. Arrows point to secondary veins arching and anastomosing with each other before reaching leaflet margin. CH-79-110. Scale bar equals 0.1 cm. 11.4 SEM of Cynometra leaflet surface showing paracytic stomata, where each guard cell (gc) is accompanied by a subsidiary cell (sc) with which is parallely aligned. CH-79-85. Scale bar equals 10 µm. 11.5 Detail of Cynometra leaflet emarginate apex bearing a small mucron. CH-79-124. Scale bar equals 0.1 cm. 11.6 General view of a barrel-shaped Typha seed with operculate (circular darkened area) proximal end. CH-79-4. Scale bar equals 125 µm. 11.7 Detail Typha seed proximal end showing circular operculum. CH-79-26. Scale bar equals 50 µm. 11.8 General view of a Typha seed without an operculum. Note ragged collar of cells resulting from operculum detachment. CH-79-26. Scale bar equals 125 µm. 11.9 Typha seed showing possible remains of bristles (part of the perianth) surrounding its perimeter (impressions of a micro-pitted area indicated by arrow). CH-79-4. Scale bar equals 125 µm.