Figure 13. Compression of Hyphaene petiole and Pandanites leaf and compressions and impressions of Macaranga leaves from Late Oligocene volcaniclastic strata in the Margargaria River localities, northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. 13.1 Detail of Pandanites leaf showing marginal, regularly-spaced, upwardly-oriented, hook-like small teeth (aligned oblique arrows on left side of image) and numerous parallel veins of one order connected by perpendicularly to slightly obliquely weakly-developed secondary veins (central oblique arrows). Note slightly inflexed area possibly representing a keel (K). CH-89-69. Scale bar equals 0.1 cm. 13.2 General view of a fragment of a Hyphaene armed petiole. Note approximately regularly-spaced, curved, spines connected to each other through relatively broad flat arcuate bases. CH-93-99A. Scale bar equals 1 cm. 13.3 General view of a broadly lanceolate Macaranga leaf with cuneate to obtuse base, acute apex, and entire margin. CH-79-236. Bar subdivisions equals 0.1 cm. 13.4 Detail of Macaranga leaf tri-nerved (actinodromous) venation showing prominent primary veins (oblique bars on right side of image). Note intersecondary veins that split off from the lateral main veins, arch, and reach the margin of the leaf (oblique bars on bottom left side of image). Oblique bars on upper left side of image indicate tertiary veins arranged in a more or less scalariform pattern (alternate percurrent). CH-79-20B. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 13.5 Detail of Macaranga petiole-leaf intersection. Note hollow petiole and extrafloral nectaries (two small dots indicated by the arrows). CH-79-236. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm. 13.6 SEM of Macaranga leaf surface showing a disc-shaped gland. CH-79-232. Scale bar equals 0.1 cm.