Figure 7. Field photographs of paleosols of Late Oligocene volcaniclastic strata in the Margargaria River localities, northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. 7.1. Succession of massive to rippled claystones and clayey siltstones representing a Protosol. Tape measure equals 120 cm. 7.2 Root cast filled with cherty material within Protosol profile. Note reddish iron-rich rim around root perimeter. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 7.3 Whole to fragmented dicot leaves in Protosol profile. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 7.4 Bluish-gray elliptical mottle in Protosol profile. Scale bar equals 3 cm. 7.5 Succession of gley-colored mudstones representing a Vertisol. Note variously shaped bluish mottles in Vertisol profile. Tape measure equals 41 cm. 7.6 Dicot leaves mat in the upper, organic-rich, horizon of the Vertisol. Scale bar equals 1 cm. 7.7 Wedge-shaped aggregate structure of Vertisol. Note slicken-side surface (reddish surface on right side of block) of Vertisol. Scale bar equals 1 cm. 7.8 Detail of Vertisol showing compressed organically-preserved root. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 7.9 Succession of organic-rich siliciclastic horizons capped by a semi-lignified horizon of plant material (~lignite) of a Histosol profile. Tape measure equals 95 cm. 7.10 Ferns, monocots, roots, and other organic remains in upper semi-lignified horizon in Histosol profile. Scale bar equals 1 cm 7.11 Detail of lower siliciclastic (A-horizon) and upper (O-horizon) semi-lignified layers in Histosol profile. Note blocky to prismatic structure of lower siliciclastic horizons. Tape measure equals 38 cm. 7.12 Reddish-gray subspherical mottles of Histosol lower siliciclastic layer. Scale bar equals 1 cm. 7.13 Discontinuous and irregular silt-rich lenses and pockets in lower siliciclastic layer of a Histosol profile. Scale bar equals 5 cm.