Figure 8. Compressions and impressions of Acrostichum pinnae and sporangia and Marselia leaflets from Late Oligocene volcaniclastic strata in the Margargaria River localities, northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. 8.1 General view of fragments of sterile and fertile Acrostichum pinnae. CH-79-199A. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 8.2 Detail of Acrostichum pinnae showing typical reticulate venation consisting of areoles without included free veinlets. CH-79-21B. Scale bar equals 0.5 cm. 8.3 Acrostichoid sporangia arrangement on underside of Acrostichum pinnae. CH-79-199A. Scale bar equals 200 µm. 8.4 SEM of stalked sporangia in situ on underside of Acrostichum pinnae. Oblique black bar in picture indicates sporangium stalk. CH-79-199A. Scale bar equals 50 µm. 8.5 Dispersed individual fan-shaped Marsilea leaflet. CH-79-229B. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm. 8.6 Marsilea leaflets pair joined by a common petiole. CH-79-227. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm. 8.7 Whole Marsilea leaf showing four leaflets attached to a common petiole. Each oblique black bar points to an individual leaflet. CH-79-230A. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm. 8.8 Detail of Marsilea leaflet showing typical anastomose venation of secondary veins that results in elongated areoles. Note common marginal vein connecting secondary veins. CH-79-32B. Scale bar equals 0.25 cm.