Table 1. Classification of Late Oligocene Margargaria River strata into depositional units. Facies code Depositional unit Sedimentary structures Interpretation A Fine to very fine sand Cross-laminated Ephemeral fluvial deposit of low to medium flow speed (i.e. crevasse splay) B Silt and very fine sand Scour and fill and faintly cross-laminated Ephemerous small scale channel deposit (i.e. chute) C Silt to fine sand Massive to faintly laminated Sediment-gravity flow deposits (i.e. airfall ash) D Clay to fine sand Cross- to horizontally-laminated Reduced traction flood deposits (i.e. overbank deposit) E Clay, mud and, very fine sand Massive Organic- and clay-rich lag deposits from small streams (i.e., mud drape) F Clay to very fine sand Massive and bioturbated Root bed (i.e. paleosol) G organic matter Poorly-laminated In-situ deposits of organic matter (i.e. lignite)
Facies code
Depositional unit
Sedimentary structures
Fine to very fine sand
Ephemeral fluvial deposit of low to medium flow speed (i.e. crevasse splay)
Silt and very fine sand
Scour and fill and faintly cross-laminated
Ephemerous small scale channel deposit (i.e. chute)
Silt to fine sand
Massive to faintly laminated
Sediment-gravity flow deposits (i.e. airfall ash)
Clay to fine sand
Cross- to horizontally-laminated
Reduced traction flood deposits (i.e. overbank deposit)
Clay, mud and, very fine sand
Organic- and clay-rich lag deposits from small streams (i.e., mud drape)
Clay to very fine sand
Massive and bioturbated
Root bed (i.e. paleosol)
organic matter
In-situ deposits of organic matter (i.e. lignite)