Table 1. Classification of Late Oligocene Margargaria River strata into depositional units.
Facies code Depositional unit Sedimentary structures Interpretation A Fine to
very fine sand Cross-laminated Ephemeral
fluvial deposit of low to medium flow speed (i.e. crevasse splay) B Silt and
very fine sand Scour
and fill and faintly cross-laminated Ephemerous
small scale channel deposit (i.e. chute) C Silt to
fine sand Massive
to faintly laminated Sediment-gravity
flow deposits (i.e. airfall ash) D Clay to
fine sand Cross-
to horizontally-laminated Reduced
traction flood deposits (i.e. overbank deposit) E Clay,
mud and, very fine sand Massive Organic-
and clay-rich lag deposits from small streams (i.e., mud drape) F Clay to
very fine sand Massive
and bioturbated Root
bed (i.e. paleosol) G organic
matter Poorly-laminated
In-situ deposits of organic matter (i.e. lignite) |