APPENDIX 1. Species distribution data. Information source refers to museum of publication. MUGM: Miami University Limper Museum; CiMNH: Cincinnati Museum of Natural History; OSU: Ohio State University Orton Geological Museum; Field: data from new field work, specimens housed at Ohio University. Specimen and locality numbers refer to specific museum specimens. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 2. Species area estimates normalized by the number of unique species occurrence localities incorporated in the range model. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 3. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups across all sequences calculated using the species area method normalized by the number of species occurrence points used to construct range models. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 4. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups by sequence calculated using the species area method normalized by the number of species occurrence points used to construct range models. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 5. Comparison of mean species range (from area method normalized by number of unique localities) for each species group by sequence (1-6 relate to corresponding sequence number) and for the entire study interval, (7). 4-7 (a) treat Richmondian Strophomena species as native descendants, while (b) treat Strophomena species as invasive. Individual 95% CIs for mean based on pooled standard deviation. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 6. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups across all sequences normalized by outcrop extent when Richmondian Strophomena species are treated as native descendants. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 7. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups by sequence normalized by outcrop extent when Richmondian Strophomena species are treated as native descendants. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 8. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups across all sequences normalized by outcrop extent when Richmondian Strophomena species are treated as invasive. All appendices are presented in PDF format. APPENDIX 9. Statistical comparison of geographic range size in taxonomic groups by sequence normalized by outcrop extent when Richmondian Strophomena species are treated as invasive. All appendices are presented in PDF format.